Posts in the ‘God’s Creation’ Category

24 September 2013

Harvest Time - Fresh Baked Pear Pie

It’s the third day of Autumn. The temperatures are dropping, the sun takes its rest in golden skies, and the fields are being harvested. We’re surrounded by reminders that this beautiful season is upon us.

Apples and pears are being picked, friends and neighbors are getting out their scarves and boots, raspberries are ripe, the grape jelly has been put up from this year’s harvest, the trees are well on their way to a full bloom of what is fondly called Autumn colors.

Just as there is a time to plant there is a time to pluck up what is planted. “For everything there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1)

There’s something peaceful and exciting about each new season – as one goes, another comes.

We look back at what God has taught us and brought us through and look forward to what He has in store for the future. We see His merciful hand at work every step of the way, knowing that His works are good and His ways are righteous.

Harvest Time - Picking Raspberries

Indiana Landscape - Harvested Field

Harvest Time - Concord Grapes

Harvest Time - Grain-Free Pear Pie

With each new season – and each new day – comes a reminder of the faithfulness of the Lord. “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.” (Genesis 8:22) “But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.” (Lamentations 3:21-23)

His promises never fail.

13 June 2013

Picking Strawberries

Strawberry Patch


Strawberry Picking

Strawberry Harvest

We’ve enjoyed picking these juicy red beauties from our strawberry patch this week. God has blessed us with an abundant and oh-so-delicious harvest!

P.S. There’s a give-away of Breezy’s “Teach Them Diligently” chalkboard art print and an opportunity to help a family in need!

14 February 2013

The past couple months have been filled with a great many things! New patterns are in the works for Clementine, wonderful books are being read, coffee is being brewed (and heartily drank), memories are being made, and hearts are filled with gratefulness. (What a wonderful God we serve!)

One of the projects (details still under wraps) involves a good deal of this:

Illustrating and Editing

Breezy (left) illustrating and yours truly (right) scanning and editing illustrations. It is such a joy to be able to work alongside my sister. Not only do we share a home studio, but our interests and talents compliment one another, going hand-in-hand.

How wonderfully true this is:

“There is nothing better for a person than that he should eat and drink and find enjoyment in his toil. This also, I saw, is from the hand of God, for apart from Him who can eat or who can have enjoyment?” —Ecclesiastes 2:24-25

Bently Enjoying the Sunshine

To top it all off, we all – even our dog Bently – are enjoying every ounce of sunshine the Lord sends.

13 January 2013


I can hear the steady pattering of raindrops hitting the tin roof of the front porch.

As I sit here recovering from a cold on this chilly, wet day, I have been spending this peaceful time reading, praying, listening to a sermon, and recording the Providences of God. He has blessed us with a new year in which to serve Him, as He sustains us day by day.


The sound of the rainfall brought to mind the faithful lovingkindness of our God – how He cares for us and provides for all of our needs, down to each little raindrop. In one of my readings I turned to The Lovingkindness of God from A.W. Pink’s “The Attributes of God” [PDF]. I found this passage to be both humbling and awe-inspiring:

“Marvelous it is that One so infinitely above us, so inconceivably glorious, so ineffably holy, should not only notice such worms of the earth, but also set His heart upon them, give His Son for them, send His Spirit to indwell them, and so bear with all their imperfections and waywardness as never to remove His lovingkindness from them.”

“The more occupied we are with God’s goodness, the more careful we will be about our obedience.”


May our love for Him and our awe of His faithful, preserving, life-giving hand compel us to evermore walk in obedience to His commands!

12 November 2012

Snowy Bush

Boots in the Snow

First Snow of 2012

We had our first snowfall of the season this morning. It was beautiful. Although the snow didn’t last long after the sun emerged from the clouds, I was glad to be able to record the white glory.

7 September 2012

Cumulus Cloud

Cumulus Clouds

The sky was scattered with cumulus clouds last evening, each one reaching further toward the heavens than the last. A beautiful reminder that the steadfast love of the Lord extends to the heavens.

“Your steadfast love, O Lord, extends to the heavens,
Your faithfulness to the clouds.
Your righteousness is like the mountains of God;
Your judgments are like the great deep;
man and beast You save, O Lord.”
—Psalm 36:5-6

31 August 2012

We waited until golden hour when the warmth of the sunlight is at a peak to get these shots for the Six Angles “Faceless Portrait” theme.

Artist at Sunset

Artist at Sunset

Artist at Sunset

This is an artist at sunset. She loves to paint for the glory of God.

“And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of
the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.”
—Colossians 3:17

P.S. These were taken with the new Nikkor 28mm f/1.8 lens (a very sharp lens) paired with the Nikon D7000 camera body.

1 May 2012


Evening Sun on the Raindrops

Spring Rain

Last evening’s downpour left the plants refreshed and ready for a new day. The skies were golden as the sun set, giving the face of the earth a warm glow.

“This is the day that the LORD has made;
let us rejoice and be glad in it.”
—Psalm 118:24

12 April 2012

Every spring I look forward to snipping lilac bunches from our bush for an overflowing bouquet of purple lovelies. It’s amazing to see how much beauty God puts into a single lilac with its breathtaking aroma.

April Lilacs

Lilacs on the lawn with a teacup and a good book.

Vintage Quilts and Lilacs

The grass withers, the flower fades,
but the word of our God will stand forever.
—Isaiah 40:8

P.S. Six Angles is back!