7 September 2012

Cumulus Cloud

Cumulus Clouds

The sky was scattered with cumulus clouds last evening, each one reaching further toward the heavens than the last. A beautiful reminder that the steadfast love of the Lord extends to the heavens.

“Your steadfast love, O Lord, extends to the heavens,
Your faithfulness to the clouds.
Your righteousness is like the mountains of God;
Your judgments are like the great deep;
man and beast You save, O Lord.”
—Psalm 36:5-6

  1. 9 Responses to “Reaching”

  2. Camille M. on Sep 7, 2012 said:

    Lovely little reminder!

  3. Brittany Alexander on Sep 7, 2012 said:

    That is beautiful! I so love pictures of the sky, but they are often so hard to capture. And yes, you cannot help but think of the glories of God when you see that beautiful sky! Thanks so much for sharing!

  4. Terri on Sep 8, 2012 said:

    Hi Emily Rose. Thanks for the verse and gorgeous colorful clouds; you can almost see Him. I’m following you on FB page and Pinterest. I’m coming from Sweet Sat. I’m the Neon Green & Pink Avatar this week. I think you’ll enjoy her story. Blessings Terri.

  5. Gracie on Sep 10, 2012 said:

    Really cool pix! I love taking pictures of the sunset on our farm. There is just something about sunsets and gorgeous cloud scenes. You do a FABULOUS job on your photography!
    -Gracie B.

  6. Inigo Boy on Sep 11, 2012 said:

    So beautiful!

  7. Erin on Sep 11, 2012 said:

    Love these pictures. I’ve always loved looking at the sky. There’s just something special about clouds for me…I guess because it reminds me that Jesus is coming back for me! Thank you for sharing these.


  8. Emily Ruthann on Sep 20, 2012 said:

    Hello, Emily Rose!
    Just wanted to give you a small note and say I mentioned you in my blog, if you’d like to see it. Also, if you have any comments, feel free to email me.
    ~ Emily Ruthann

  9. Lainie on Sep 23, 2012 said:

    I smiled when I read this!

    Beautiful pictures! :)

  10. Chloe Jane Schofield on Oct 20, 2012 said:

    Hello There,
    I have just been searching through your website and shop. I love them both! :D I have a feeling you may like my shop in return: http://www.etsy.com/shop/LobleyCottage?ref=pr_shop_more
    I hope you enjoying looking around.
    Chloe xx

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