1 December 2014
Our Cyber Monday Sales are here!
Shop now through Tuesday, December 2nd and Save:
Embroidery Patterns & Kits at
Clementine Pattern Co.
Use coupon code GRATEFUL at checkout for
20% off your entire order through December 2nd!
Art Prints & Notecards at
The Breezy Tulip Studio
Use coupon code GIVETHANKS14 at checkout for
20% off your entire order through December 2nd!
Children’s Books, Coloring Book, & Paper Dolls at
Noble Rose Press
Save up to 35% percent on all our products through December 2nd!
Included is “For Such a Time As This” by Angie Smith and illustrated by Breezy Brookshire – a gorgeous book filled with stories of women from the Bible, retold for girls!
“But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession,
and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of Him everywhere.”
—II Corinthians 2:14