23 December 2009
Categories: A Homemade Christmas, Handmade, Inspirations, The Home
Cassie on Dec 23, 2009 said:
The pictures are positively lovey, Emily Rose!
Did you happen to get the email that I sent you in reply to the one that you sent on Thanksgiving?
Merry Christmas!
Your friend, Cassie
Lisa Sheldon on Dec 23, 2009 said:
Miss Emily,
What lovely pictures you have posted. I don’t always write, but I do check your blog often. I pray you and your family have a blessed Christmas and a very happy new year.
Blessings, Lisa
Peggy on Dec 24, 2009 said:
Do you mind if I make copies of your felt hope ornament? It has inspired me to do a whole series of ornaments. Hope, peace, faith, and charity.
Emily Elizabeth on Dec 24, 2009 said:
Oh my, I absolutely adore your “Hope” ornament! Did someone make it? Photos are great (as always)!! :D
A Merry Christmas to you and yours, Emily!
Tracy on Dec 25, 2009 said:
Merry Christmas, Emily!
Miss Rebekah Ann S. on Dec 26, 2009 said:
What beautiful decorations! :) How lovely.
Esther Zimmerman on Dec 27, 2009 said:
Your pictures are so fantastic! Merry Christmas!
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The pictures are positively lovey, Emily Rose!
Did you happen to get the email that I sent you in reply to the one that you sent on Thanksgiving?
Merry Christmas!
Your friend,
Miss Emily,
What lovely pictures you have posted. I don’t always write, but I do check your blog often. I pray you and your family have a blessed Christmas and a very happy new year.
Do you mind if I make copies of your felt hope ornament? It has inspired me to do a whole series of ornaments. Hope, peace, faith, and charity.
Oh my, I absolutely adore your “Hope” ornament! Did someone make it?
Photos are great (as always)!! :D
A Merry Christmas to you and yours, Emily!
Merry Christmas, Emily!
What beautiful decorations! :) How lovely.
Your pictures are so fantastic! Merry Christmas!