19 December 2011
JOY, noun: The passion or emotion excited by the acquisition or expectation of good; that excitement of pleasurable feelings which is caused by success, good fortune, the gratification of desire or some good possessed, or by a rational prospect of possessing what we love or desire; gladness; exultation; exhilaration of spirits. Mirth; festivity; happiness; felicity.
“Joy is a delight of the mind, from the consideration of the present
or assured approaching possession of a good.” —Locke
—Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary
“You make known to me the path of life;
in Your presence there is fullness of joy;
at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.”
—Psalm 16:11 (emphasis added)
If you find the fresh smell of pine pleasureful, you’re welcome to write with your own twigs and needles! (And if you take a picture, please share a link in the comment section – I’d enjoy seeing what you come up with!)
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29 December 2009
Welcome to A Homemade Christmas! This is No. 4 of 4 A Homemade Christmas events.
I hope you’ll join us in sharing about homemade gifts, decorations, foods, and/or handmade things that made your home extra special for Christmas!
{Feel free to learn more about A Homemade Christmas here.}
I hope that you had a wonderful Christmas celebrating our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! We had a lovely time here at home and with extended family. (We are also very glad to have Daddy home until after the first of the new year!)
{Pictures to come, but in the meantime you can look here.}
Our gift-giving was very small, but most delightful! Mom surprised Breezy and I with homemade ornaments that she was working on over the past week (we didn’t realize how many she actually made until we opened our packages). (You can view a picture here.)
Momma also crocheted Breezy and I each an afghan in our colors of choice. They are beautiful and cozy, and most definitely large enough for ourselves and a few wee ones! (You can view pictures here.)
I gave Mother-Dear a pair of fingerless gloves (the set pictured here) and a crocheted wallet/cough drop holder/receipt case. She knew she was going to receive them, and even got to use them before Christmas Eve.
Also, this coming week I will have a happy little download for my readers! I think you’ll enjoy it and you just might end up adding it to your list of things to do for next Christmas!
Thank you all for joining me for A Homemade Christmas! It has been such a pleasure to see what you have been creating! Thank you for sharing, and I hope you’ll join us again next year (Lord willing) in 2010 for another round of A Homemade Christmas!
Did you have A Homemade Christmas? I invite you to join me here by adding your link to your post about homemade gift(s), decorations, foods, and/or handmade things that made your home extra special for Christmas!
To join us in wrapping up, just sign Mr. Linky below (make sure you use the direct post link). You can get the codes and instructions for adding an A Homemade Christmas icons to your blog by clicking here. This Linky will be open for two weeks.
View Other A Homemade Christmas Posts:

25 December 2009
On Christmas Eve we had a delicious dinner of Pork Chops and Rice. We only have this meal one or two times a year, making it extra special. The Chops are lightly breaded and we sprinkle the rice with brown sugar.
After our meal Breezy and I read aloud a few poems, a story, and sang duets of several of our favorite Christmas carols by the candle light.
Bently wishing he new what was in the five packages behind him under the tree. He was quite the patient puppy . . . and he was well rewarded with a stuffed squeaking beaver (just a toy, just a toy) and some very special dog treats. He especially enjoyed pretending the beaver was a rat.
But first Daddy read aloud the story of Christ’s birth from Luke 1:57-2:40.
Little packages under the tree. We were low on brown paper, so Momma cut up a small brown paper sack which worked perfectly!
Hand-embroidered ornaments from my dear mother – what a delightful surprise! She finished them on the morning of Christmas Eve. These will be safely tucked away into my hope chest.
Momma crocheted Breezy and I each an afghan in our colors of choice. We were allowed to see them while she was working on them . . . until they grew large and she kept them hidden. Not until Christmas Eve were we able to see their full size – they are beautiful and cozy, and most definitely large enough for ourselves and a few wee ones!
My dear parents! What a blessing it has been to be raised by such wonderful, godly parents! I am thankful to the Lord for making them my mother and father!
Our Christmas Sugar Cookies that we make every year. We enjoyed these cookies, pretzels, cheese, and donuts (inspired by the dear Chancey family) while watching Scrooge (1935).
And as we do every Christmas morning . . . Momma and I made the Monkey Bread.
Over the river and through the woods (really and truly) to grandmother’s house we go!
I hope that you all have had a most wonderfully happy and blessed Christmas celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

21 December 2009
Adding holes to the ornaments with an upholstery needle.
These simple-to-make and delicious-to-smell ornaments can be hung throughout the house for extra beauty (and added delicious fragrance).
Cut out ornaments waiting to be moved to the pan for drying.
Cinnamon Ornaments {Recipe}
1 cup ground cinnamon
1 cup applesauce
1/4 cup tacky glue (we used Elmer’s)
Thoroughly mix ingredients together. Sprinkle counter with cinnamon and roll out the cinnamon “dough.” If the “dough” is too dry, add more applesauce; if it is too wet, add more cinnamon. Cut out shapes by using cookie cutters (do not forget to add holes if you intend to hang them, they will be too hard to do so after they dry). Lay ornaments on foil-covered pan and let dry for 24-48 hours. Use hemp cord and/or wire to hang.
Placing the ornaments on a foil-covered pan for drying.
Hung on the tree or over the kitchen sink, their fragrance stays with them and can fill the room with a delightful aroma.

15 December 2009
Welcome to A Homemade Christmas! This is No. 3 of 4 A Homemade Christmas events.
I hope you’ll join us in sharing about homemade gifts, decorations, foods, and/or handmade things that make your home extra special for Christmas!
{Feel free to learn more about A Homemade Christmas here.}
It is a joy to make special treats for gifts and family gatherings. Our top five choices (of sweets) are Cinnamon Rolls (using our bread recipe), Beluga Babies (Oreo Truffles), Sugar Cookies, Chocolate Chip Cookies, and Peanut Butter Fudge. All of these treats can be packaged creatively, making the presentation quite charming!
Peanut Butter Fudge
5 cups white sugar
5 TB white karo
1 can carnation milk
1 tsp. vanilla
Dash of salt
Cook until soft ball (drop a drip or two in cold water, if it stays together it is at the soft ball stage). Stir with wooden spoon to keep the bottom from sticking. Remove from heat.
¾ stick butter
1¼ cups peanut butter
Stir until dissolved (do not beat). Pour into buttered 9×13 inch pan. Let cool. Cut and enjoy!
I will be adding a couple more posts throughout the next couple weeks to this week’s AHC which will probably include more handmade gifts, recipes, and decorations.
Are you having A Homemade Christmas? Yes? Then I invite you to join me here by adding your link to your post about homemade gift(s), decorations, foods, and/or handmade things that make your home extra special for Christmas!
To join us, just sign Mr. Linky below (make sure you use the direct post link). You can get the codes and instructions for adding an A Homemade Christmas icons to your blog by clicking here. The last A Homemade Christmas event will be December 29th! This Linky will be open for two weeks, until the next AHC event begins.
I hope you’ll join us while we learn, inspire, and encourage one another as we prepare to celebrate (though we celebrate all year round) the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ!
View Other A Homemade Christmas Posts:

1 December 2009
Welcome to A Homemade Christmas! This is No. 2 of 4 A Homemade Christmas events.
I hope you’ll join us in sharing about homemade gifts, decorations, foods, and/or handmade things that make your home extra special for Christmas!
{Feel free to learn more about A Homemade Christmas here.}
A few years ago for Christmas, Breezy and I received jewelry making supplies from our dear parents. Now and then we get the supplies out to create a pair of earrings or something similar.
Above are a few earrings that I made this past week after purchasing extra beads and findings.
Making jewelry can be less expensive than buying jewelry. Aside from the pliers, all that is needed are the “ear wires”, head pins, and charms or beads.
Earrings are lovely gifts that can add an extra touch to any lady’s attire!
Are you having A Homemade Christmas? Yes? Then I invite you to join me here by adding your link to your post about homemade gift(s), decorations, foods, and/or handmade things that make your home extra special for Christmas!
To join us, just sign Mr. Linky below (make sure you use the direct post link). You can get the codes and instructions for adding an A Homemade Christmas icons to your blog by clicking here. The next A Homemade Christmas events will be December 15th and December 29th! This Linky will be open for two weeks, until the next AHC event begins.
I hope you’ll join us while we learn, inspire, and encourage one another as we prepare to celebrate (though we celebrate all year round) the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ!
View Other A Homemade Christmas Posts:

17 November 2009
Welcome to A Homemade Christmas! This is No. 1 of 4 A Homemade Christmas events.
I hope you’ll join us in sharing about homemade gifts, decorations, foods, and/or handmade things that make your home extra special for Christmas!
{Feel free to learn more about A Homemade Christmas here.}
A wonderful thing about having A Homemade Christmas is knowing that the handmade gift given, decoration hung, food enjoyed is special because it was made with love.
When something is made with love it is cherished. It doesn’t have to be fancy, nor does it have to be expensive. But when it’s made with love, it cannot get better than that.
The one who receives the gift, sees the decoration, or enjoys the dish will know and remember that those things were not there because we ran out of time, but because we took the time.
My latest project has been knitting fingerless mittens. I have not been knitting (the correct way) for very long, but have found it most enjoyable! It is relaxing (although the occasional dropping of a stitch is a bit unnerving) and easier than it may look.
The pattern is simple: a knit-pearl square that is slip-stitched together on the side, leaving a hole for the thumb. I still have yet to learn to cable-knit (I am looking forward to my sister teaching me how), and I’m sure once I’ve learned that there will be a few more projects that I will make using the cable stitch.
This sage pair of fingerless mittens is completed, and I have a couple more pairs in the making. They will be gifts to keep my family’s hands warm this winter.
Are you having A Homemade Christmas? Yes? Then I invite you to join me here by adding your link to your post about homemade gift(s), decorations, foods, and/or handmade things that make your home extra special for Christmas!
To join us, just sign Mr. Linky below (make sure you use the direct post link). You can get the codes and instructions for adding an A Homemade Christmas icons to your blog by clicking here. The next A Homemade Christmas events will be December 1st, December 15th, and December 29th! This Linky will be open for two weeks, until the next AHC event begins.
I hope you’ll join us while we learn, inspire, and encourage one another as we prepare to celebrate (though we celebrate all year round) the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ!
View Other A Homemade Christmas Posts:
1. Kyleigh 2. Kristen~Pajama Mama 3. Bridgett 4. Susannah (sevensisters) 5. Angel-homemade cocoa jars 6. Angel-keeping CHRIST in Christmas cards! 7. Rachel 8. Maddy 9. Lady Kate 10. Rachel Grace 11. Danielle |
12. Breezy 13. Robin 14. Tarissa 15. Elisabeth LaMouria 16. Maggie @ Painter of Words 17. Rebecca @ Renaissance:: Baby Sweater 18. Rebecca @ Renaissance::And MORE presents 19. DHM, fabric ‘paper’ doll |
20. Elena 21. Peggy 22. Miss Jen 23. Hannah @ Reflections of a Face 24. Michelle 25. Jen 26. Sewmelody 27. Haley Steele 28. Watalulu 29. Esther~ Andrew’s Socks 30. Cassie |

14 November 2009
Last year I began the meme, A Homemade Christmas, where I posted every week about creating gifts to give away at Christmas, and invited others to join me.
This year will be a little bit different.
Every two weeks (dates are below), I will be posting about a project that I have completed or am working on that is either a gift, recipe/food, or something that will make the home extra special for Christmas. And, I’m encouraging you to join me, and have yourself a homemade Christmas.
What is A Homemade Christmas?
A Homemade Christmas is when you create things to give as gifts to friends and family, make decorations for the home, make Christmas goodies (food), etc.
The A Homemade Christmas meme is when you have the opportunity to share about the creative things you are doing for Christmas (such as listed above) on your blog, and drop by here to leave your link so that others can see what you are working on and be inspired in their own creative pursuits (and so you can be inspired by others’ projects, too).
When should we post about our homemade projects?
A Homemade Christmas begins this Tuesday. Every other Tuesday for eight weeks (making four events), a new A Homemade Christmas post will be up here on my blog. There will be a place at the bottom of my posts for you to add your link(s) to your A Homemade Christmas post(s) (make sure it is the direct/permanent link).
Dates to participate in A Homemade Christmas:
• November 17th
• December 1st
• December 15th
• December 29th (wrap-up with projects/gifts we couldn’t share before Christmas)
The main/opening dates are listed above, but the linkys will be open two weeks after the beginning date so that you have plenty of time to get in your posts.
The Reason for A Homemade Christmas (and extra notes):
Through this, I hope we can inspire and encourage one another in our preparation to celebrate (though we celebrate all year round) the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ.
If you would like an icon to put in your post or sidebar, just click here, copy the code of the icon you would like, and paste the code where desired. Voila!
And remember—to make this extra fun—I need your participation! I’m looking forward to doing this with you all!
P.S. You are welcome to spread the word about this, and I hope you participate!