20 February 2012
…you know someone put him there.”
This is a handmade turtle. Breezy created it using reference photos of Painted turtles, foil, paper maché, gesso, and acrylic paint.
The main purpose of the turtle was to be a prop for a talk Dad gave at work, focusing on the sovereignty of God and His Providential hand. “If you see a turtle on a fencepost, you know someone put him there”, was the concluding remark as he placed the handmade turtle on a fencepost.
Now we get to have Mr. Turtle stick around longer than any of our previous wild “pet” turtles who needed to find new homes… he currently sits atop one of our bookshelves. (And, as much as I like turtles, when I forget he’s up there – or find him somewhere else – he takes me by surprise.)

25 January 2012
Our latest embroidery pattern is up in the shop! Mum did a lovely job stitching this one, wouldn’t you say? It is a beautiful and cheerful reminder to…
“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice!”
—Philippians 4:4
We’re looking forward to rearranging the art, pictures, and handiwork on our walls to make room for some of our latest embroideries.

6 January 2012
A new year. A new slate. A fresh start.
As I pondered these things, I skimmed over my “growing journal” which contains prayers, Scripture, thoughts, questions, quotes, words on character, etc. that I had recorded over the past year.
Nearly every sentence I read surprised me. For example:
“How often do we lose heart, fear man, worry about the outcome of the current/upcoming circumstances? God is sovereign. We must not fear, but stand firm and see the salvation of the Lord. He will fight for us. We need not rattle on, but instead be silent and wait on the Lord — fearing Him all the while. [Inspired by Exodus 14]”
Humorously, it seems strange that I would be surprised since I did write them all. So, what surprised me? It was the realization that a new year does not mean “a new slate.”
The calendar year has changed, but we still have a foundation to work from.
Every area where we grew, reformed, changed, learned, etc. are still there for our benefit. They don’t get thrown out and forgotten when we flip to a new page on the calendar, each lesson needing to be learned over again. But rather we are able to take higher steps from that groundwork that has been done in the past twelve-plus months.
Isn’t the Lord gracious to give us that groundwork? To learn from the past, be sanctified in the present, and reform in the future?
Let us not forget from where we came or where we’re going.
Hello, 2012! (And thank You, Lord, for foundations to work from!)

29 November 2011
With the first “big” snowfall arriving today, it’s beginning to look and feel like winter. The temperature has dropped to below freezing, the snow is falling in large, wet lumps from the sky and piling up, layer upon layer, on the chilly ground.
Snow sprinkles.
Boots to keep feet warm in the winter months.
Perhaps before long, our home will be tucked in for winter, just like this:
“Joy to the World” Embroidery Pattern by our Clementine Pattern Co.
“God thunders wondrously with His voice;
He does great things that we cannot comprehend.
For to the snow He says, ‘Fall on the earth,’
likewise to the downpour, His mighty downpour.”
—Job 37:5-6

24 November 2011
“Give Thanks” embroidery pattern by the Clementine Pattern Co.
Enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family and friends, rejoicing in the greatness of our God and giving thanks to Him…
“For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things.
To Him be glory forever. Amen.”
—Romans 11:36

31 October 2011
We rose last Thursday morning to find this beautiful landscape in the mountains of North Carolina. A chilly morning, a foggy haze, and a warm cup of coffee made for a peaceful beginning to a weekend filled with delightful fellowship, encouraging and challenging messages, and rejoicing with many about the great work of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Gospel-Centered Marriages for a Glorious Church conference was a grand adventure! Photos and notes from the conference are coming soon… stay updated here.
“Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands. Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her, that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the Word, so that He might present the church to Himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish.”
—Ephesians 5:24-27

3 September 2011
Once upon a time there lived a little girl whose mum was an embroiderer. The little girl began to embroider, being taught by her Mum while sitting by her side watching every stitch and creation of detail.
When this little girl saw her mother’s box of embroidery floss, she was quite perplexed – how could someone find the color they needed when the colors were so terribly out of order? So she made up her mind to solve the problem.
She moved quickly, wanting to surprise her mum with a newly sorted embroidery box – in perfect color coordination.
As she finished, her mum entered the room to see what the little girl was working on. As the little girl looked up in delight, the mother’s response was one of great surprise!
As you might’ve guessed, years ago that little girl was me. A kind gesture, without all the facts, wasn’t exactly interpreted as kind. But the problem was easily solved. And, one by one, I put them back in order – by number – so that when it was time to work from a pattern, the colors would be easily discovered.
Yet now, after all these years of number-organized colors, we’ve switched them back to the way they seemed like they should’ve been all the while.
Organized by color.

3 July 2011
This is Will and Bethany Joy.
They were joined as husband and wife on June 25th. On that day was much joy, love, beauty, thanksgiving, and most importantly the love of Christ.
At their wedding they shared their first kiss. Their commitment to purity displayed the loveliness in keeping oneself pure until marriage for the one who the Lord has for you to marry.
The ceremony reflected the love of Christ, displayed the importance of serving one other, and was filled with the blessing of the parents as a new family was founded.
The sign welcoming the guests. There were three sections of chairs set up and in front of each section were quilts laid out on the ground for the children and a closer view.
Joy taking the arm of her father as they approach her groom.
Prayer for their new life together.
My dear father was a groomsman in the wedding (he is farthest left in the group of men at right.)
Their FIRST kiss.
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Smith, III. Happily wed.
Flower girls rejoicing with the bride and groom.
Although I was not an official photographer, Kristi was very kind to let me tag along and act as an unofficial second-shooter. It was delightful!
Only the beginning.
The stunningly beautiful bride, Mrs. Smith.
After the wedding the guests and wedding party boarded the “Dixie”, a paddle boat from the 1920’s, while the bride and groom’s portraits were taken. There was great cheering when the newlyweds appeared and boarded the boat.
The icing flowers were made by the bride, the cake was made by her mother, and the log-stand was decorated by my sister, Breezy.
The bride and groom’s first dance was choreographed to “Lucky.” (But, of course, everyone would agree that they are blessed.)
Instead of birdseed or bubbles, lavender was handed out to the guests to be tossed at Will & Bethany as they departed.
Mr. & Mrs. Wm A. Smith, III.
Balloons were released…
…and they “sailed” off on a speedboat.
We’re excited to see how the Lord will use this couple in the furtherance of His Kingdom!
(We love you, Will & Joy!)
[Find a few more pictures from the wedding here.]

2 July 2011
At the rehearsal dinner. The next day Will would gain a wife and Joy would gain a husband before God and man, to glorify God and further the dominion mandate.
The wedding rehearsal.
Will with my dear father. They first met two years ago when Will began working for the same company alongside Dad. Their friendship has only grown since then. Dad was honored to be asked to stand with Will as one of his groomsman and gladly accepted.
[More pictures from the wedding coming soon!]