Posts in the ‘Vintage’ Category

25 December 2014

Christmas 2014

A very happy Christmas to you all!

Rejoicing in this good news…

“Who, though He was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted Him and bestowed on Him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”
—Philippians 2:6-11

22 November 2012

Give Thanks - Thanksgiving

Breezy drew this lettering based on Psalm 111:1 with chalk on a framed chalkboard.

Give Thanks - Thanksgiving

In the kitchen, near The Thankful Tree.

Give Thanks - Thanksgiving

“Praise the Lord!
I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart,
in the company of the upright, in the congregation.
Great are the works of the Lord,
studied by all who delight in them.
Full of splendor and majesty is His work,
and His righteousness endures forever.”

—Psalm 111:1-3

Have a most joyous and blessed Thanksgiving!

P.S. I would love to know what you are thankful for – feel free to share with me in a comment!

22 May 2012

I had just dropped off to sleep when I felt the ship bump as if scraping the side of a tree.

I sat up straight in bed, trying to make out what had happened. It seemed completely silent for a minute or two. The engines were cut off. The corridors were quiet until one began to hear doors open and voices speaking. The first voice I heard was a woman asking the steward what had happened. He replied calmly, “Everything will be all right.”

Sinking of the Titanic

Those were the words of Miss Helen R. Østby, survivor, recalling the night when the Titanic had struck an iceberg which would lead to the ship’s sinking and the death of 1,500+ passengers and crew.

I can only imagine what it would have been like – just over one hundred years ago – to be on the grand, arrogantly acclaimed “unsinkable” Titanic.

The anticipation leading up to her maiden voyage, the excitement of all those boarding such an extravagant vessel, the luxury and grandeur of her various decks and the first class dining hall.

With this being the 100th year anniversary of Titanic’s sinking, we have been studying her passengers, the events surrounding her maiden and fatal voyage, and those who survived. The event becomes more and more real with each new fact learned and each new story read.

I am left speechless by the heroism of the men who gave their lives so that women and children could live. Not a single act of chivalry, heroism, or sacrifice was performed by accident. With great intention the men placed the women and children on lifeboats as the Titanic took on water.

The sinking was tragic because of the many lives lost at sea. But with gratefulness we can look back and give thanks for those who were spared and lived to tell the stories of manhood, womanhood, humility, servanthood, and especially sacrifice.

“For I know that the Lord is great,
and that our Lord is above all gods.
Whatever the Lord pleases, He does,
in heaven and on earth,
in the seas and all deeps.
He it is who makes the clouds rise at the end of the earth,
Who makes lightnings for the rain
and brings forth the wind from His storehouses.”

—Psalm 135:5-7

12 January 2012

“Whoever brings blessing will be enriched,
and one who waters will himself be watered.”

—Proverbs 11:25


[ Paperwhites | the gift of bulbs from a friend has grown into a sweet winter beauty ]

27 October 2011

Crate and Brick

We were able to pick up several old apple crates from the orchard. They each will come in most handy, whether for storing fruits and vegetables, posing as a bookshelf, equipment holder for photography outings, or simply a beautifully textured prop for a photo-shoot!

Old Apple Crate

See the favorite shot from this shoot here.

Autumn Detail

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8 August 2011

Old Books

Harvesting (scanning) textures and graphics out of a stack of old books from my collection. Stepping Heavenward is a wonderful book – if you find a copy, whether it be new or old, I highly recommend you pick it up and read it!

Gluten-Free French Toast

Making French Toast out of our gluten-free almond bread. Delicious! I believe it had been a little too long since making French Toast.

Toad in the Hole

Smiling at Mum’s Toad-in-the-Hole creation for Dad’s breakfast. (Yes, that would be gluten-rich bread – homemade whole-wheat bread, to be exact.)


And also cooking up some ideas for re-opening the Etsy shop! Stay tuned!

2 August 2011

Small Beauties

8 July 2011

July Berries

Freshly-picked, these berries are a portion of our largest – though still rather small – harvest we have had to date. We’re not professional raspberry-growers, but we do enjoy the trickling of berries we’re blessed to have from our bushes.

July Berries

“[The righteous] still bear fruit in old age;
they are ever full of sap and green,
to declare that the Lord is upright;
He is my rock, and there is no
unrighteousness in Him.”

—Psalm 92:14-15

3 July 2011

The Happy Couple

This is Will and Bethany Joy.

They were joined as husband and wife on June 25th. On that day was much joy, love, beauty, thanksgiving, and most importantly the love of Christ.

At their wedding they shared their first kiss. Their commitment to purity displayed the loveliness in keeping oneself pure until marriage for the one who the Lord has for you to marry.

The ceremony reflected the love of Christ, displayed the importance of serving one other, and was filled with the blessing of the parents as a new family was founded.

Make Yourself Comfortable

The sign welcoming the guests. There were three sections of chairs set up and in front of each section were quilts laid out on the ground for the children and a closer view.

The bride taking her father's arm

Joy taking the arm of her father as they approach her groom.


Prayer for their new life together.


My dear father was a groomsman in the wedding (he is farthest left in the group of men at right.)

Their First Kiss

Their FIRST kiss.

A Hug

Mr. & Mrs. William A. Smith, III. Happily wed.

A peek at photos to come...

Flower girls rejoicing with the bride and groom.

A ring and a kiss...

Although I was not an official photographer, Kristi was very kind to let me tag along and act as an unofficial second-shooter. It was delightful!

Only the Beginning

Only the beginning.


The stunningly beautiful bride, Mrs. Smith.



A Stroll

Just boarding the Dixie

After the wedding the guests and wedding party boarded the “Dixie”, a paddle boat from the 1920’s, while the bride and groom’s portraits were taken. There was great cheering when the newlyweds appeared and boarded the boat.

On the Dixie

The Shoes

The Cake

The icing flowers were made by the bride, the cake was made by her mother, and the log-stand was decorated by my sister, Breezy.

Bouquets and Cupcakes

The Dance

The bride and groom’s first dance was choreographed to “Lucky.” (But, of course, everyone would agree that they are blessed.)

Lavendar for Tossing

Instead of birdseed or bubbles, lavender was handed out to the guests to be tossed at Will & Bethany as they departed.

The Bride and Groom

Mr. & Mrs. Wm A. Smith, III.

Lavendar Send-Off


Balloons Released

Balloons were released…

Speedboat Exit

…and they “sailed” off on a speedboat.

We’re excited to see how the Lord will use this couple in the furtherance of His Kingdom!
(We love you, Will & Joy!)

[Find a few more pictures from the wedding here.]