17 November 2009
Welcome to A Homemade Christmas! This is No. 1 of 4 A Homemade Christmas events.
I hope you’ll join us in sharing about homemade gifts, decorations, foods, and/or handmade things that make your home extra special for Christmas!
{Feel free to learn more about A Homemade Christmas here.}
A wonderful thing about having A Homemade Christmas is knowing that the handmade gift given, decoration hung, food enjoyed is special because it was made with love.
When something is made with love it is cherished. It doesn’t have to be fancy, nor does it have to be expensive. But when it’s made with love, it cannot get better than that.
The one who receives the gift, sees the decoration, or enjoys the dish will know and remember that those things were not there because we ran out of time, but because we took the time.
My latest project has been knitting fingerless mittens. I have not been knitting (the correct way) for very long, but have found it most enjoyable! It is relaxing (although the occasional dropping of a stitch is a bit unnerving) and easier than it may look.
The pattern is simple: a knit-pearl square that is slip-stitched together on the side, leaving a hole for the thumb. I still have yet to learn to cable-knit (I am looking forward to my sister teaching me how), and I’m sure once I’ve learned that there will be a few more projects that I will make using the cable stitch.
This sage pair of fingerless mittens is completed, and I have a couple more pairs in the making. They will be gifts to keep my family’s hands warm this winter.
Are you having A Homemade Christmas? Yes? Then I invite you to join me here by adding your link to your post about homemade gift(s), decorations, foods, and/or handmade things that make your home extra special for Christmas!
To join us, just sign Mr. Linky below (make sure you use the direct post link). You can get the codes and instructions for adding an A Homemade Christmas icons to your blog by clicking here. The next A Homemade Christmas events will be December 1st, December 15th, and December 29th! This Linky will be open for two weeks, until the next AHC event begins.
I hope you’ll join us while we learn, inspire, and encourage one another as we prepare to celebrate (though we celebrate all year round) the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ!
View Other A Homemade Christmas Posts:
1. Kyleigh 2. Kristen~Pajama Mama 3. Bridgett 4. Susannah (sevensisters) 5. Angel-homemade cocoa jars 6. Angel-keeping CHRIST in Christmas cards! 7. Rachel 8. Maddy 9. Lady Kate 10. Rachel Grace 11. Danielle |
12. Breezy 13. Robin 14. Tarissa 15. Elisabeth LaMouria 16. Maggie @ Painter of Words 17. Rebecca @ Renaissance:: Baby Sweater 18. Rebecca @ Renaissance::And MORE presents 19. DHM, fabric ‘paper’ doll |
20. Elena 21. Peggy 22. Miss Jen 23. Hannah @ Reflections of a Face 24. Michelle 25. Jen 26. Sewmelody 27. Haley Steele 28. Watalulu 29. Esther~ Andrew’s Socks 30. Cassie |

I love fingerless gloves. :) Though I like the half-finger ones better. The yarn you used is absolutely gorgeous.
And thank you for the wonderful reminder on WHY homemade gifts are so special. Often I feel that the things I make are very simple. But love is more important than money or size. :)
Yes, I so enjoy making gifts made with love! I say a prayer while I’m making them sometimes for the person who it will be going to. :) It’s a nice reminder to pray for my family and friends. ;)
Your gloves are lovely Emily Rose! :D I have a pair I made, and I love them! But I think these are much prettier and more feminine than mine. ;) What yarn did you use if you don’t mind my asking. :) It’s beautiful! And where did you get your pattern? I’d really like to make a few pairs of these if possible.
I’ll be joining in this later today, as I still haven’t written up my post. ;) HeHe!
~Miss Rachel~
Thank you, I use Lion Brand Vanna’s Choice – it has been my favorite yarn to work with (it is also what I use for my Pod Pockets). You can find a video with instructions for the fingerless gloves/mittens here.
Very pretty gloves! Yikes, these posts are getting me to thinking. I’ve got plans sort of for presents for my sister and Mom, but I don’t know what to make for my brothers and Daddy! Wait…perhaps fingerless gloves would do for one of my brothers! :D
What a cute & fashionable idea! Your so good. I would love to make some for my teenage twin stepsisters. However, I would have to learn to knit first. :)
Okay, I added my linky Emily! Thanks so much! And thank you for replying to my questions, I love the Vanna’s Choice yarn (and most of the Lion brand yarns) too! :) I am making some hats for Christmas with it this year. ;)
Blessings in Christ!
Super cute gloves! My mom knit me a couple pairs of those using sock yarn, which is really nice as they keep my hands warm without being too bulky. :]
Thanks for for hosting this meme again. It’s been fun reading about everyone’s projects… I’ve gotten some great ideas!
Hi Emily!
I just did “A Homemade Christmas” post on rubber stamping. I’m so glad that you started the tradition last year! It’s so much fun!
How charming Emily Rose, the fingerless gloves look wonderful! They look easy to make too, maybe I will have to try making my own pair.
I have written my own Homemade Christmas post! I hope you enjoy reading it. I have signed the linky. Thank you for sharing,
In our Lord Jesus,
Rachel Grace
I found your blog a year ago from a comment you left on Monica’s blog. I enjoyed your Homemade Christmas last year but wasn’t able to participate. I am so excited to join in this year! The fingerless gloves look lovely. I am always cold…they would be great to make for myself;-)
I also love your paper dolls. I just had my first daughter and can’t wait for her to “need” a set!!!
Such a great idea! I love to wear gloves in the house when it gets cold outside, and being from Michigan, it gets COLD! Fingerless gloves are perfect because it lets you work or craft while keeping your hands warm! :-) Can’t wait to see what else you and the other girls come up with. I have a hanging clothes hamper on my cite, still working on a pattern to post.
Lovely yarn! Lovely color! Lovely gloves!!
I want a pair of fingerless gloves in the worst way for all my wintertime camera gallivanting. Maybe I will be able to whip some up in the next year. Of course, sadly, I am not proficient enough at knitting yet to knit them. :-( I love how yours turned out!
I came across your blog tonight while looking at aprons, and I wanted to let you know what a great blessing it has been to me roaming around it! So wonderful!
Emily, you are going to be hooked when you start cable knitting! The cable stitch is so easy. I was really intimidated, but I took a class at a local yarn shop, and it turned out to be easy peasy! I can’t wait until you’re queuing again for blogs. I love your designs.
What a lovely idea!! I have some yarn; I think I will try this one. I haven’t had a chance to knit in years. Thank you so much for sharing!!
Oh, maybe I should make some for my daughters too!!
Mrs. White in rural Vermont
I love the fingerless gloves; it looks like a relatively quick project, I hope I can try it out this week :)
Thank you for the beautiful tutorial and the encouragment; I really enjoy reading your blog.
Those mitts are very pretty. Your stitches are so even, it looks like you’ve been knitting for a lifetime!
I’ve been knitting for 7 years, and I cringe a bit when I hear other knitters talk about knitting “the right way.” There is no right way! Whatever way gets the job done with love & prayer is the “right way.”
I started my Christmas knits in July this year… and I’m still running woefully behind!
They are gorgeous~ dear Emily!!
LOVE the color! *sigh*
Many Blessings~ Miss Jen
What a wonderful idea! I’m so excited to participate.
Handmade gifts always complicate preparations a bit; lots of late nights! A true labor of love. But I think that makes it even more fun! Much better than catalog shopping at the last minute:)
Hello Emily Rose!
I was wondering…do you wear these fingerless mittens around the home? Or do you wear them outside? Just wondering!
Thanks for hosting homemade Christmas again this year!
Joyfully in Jesus,
beautiful! i love your blog!
Those are really cute!
My daughter (7) and I just started to learn how to knit as well. It is a bit unnerving still because poor Gabriella keeps dropping stitches by accident and sometimes we don’t find them until later. She has been working on a scarf.
My husband and I were just discussing the idea of limiting our children’s gifts and possibly even homemaking them and I remembered you were doing this wonderful series. So I came to scope it out! I don’t know yet what we’ll be making, but I know for those outside our immediate family, I can always bake! :)
Other than that, I’m not sure yet. However, this certainly plants a wonderful seed for next year. It will give us all year to work and create. My daughter already loves to make things for others, so this will be nothing new to her. Although, doing this series will help gain some new ideas. :) Thank you for doing it.
We shall try to get some pictures of the scarf to share in the next segment. :)
Hi, I entered your Homemade Christmas doo-dad and actually was able to put the banner on my post. I was just tickled.
I’ll do AHC! I was planning on making all of my Christmas presents anyway.
I love the color green of the hand warmers… so pretty!
Hello Emily Rose!
I was going to post my link on the linky above, but I saw it closed, so here is the link for “Knitted Winter Headbands”
The fingerless gloves is perfect, it is really a wonderful homemade gift. “Homemade gifts is not because we ran out of time, but because we took time”. Would certainly agree!cheers
Emily, I googled fingerless mittens and came across your blog. I believe we have a lot in common. Loving our Lord and savior, exploring and seeking out the simple things in life and knitting/crocheting. It makes me happy to see your blog and to know that there are other young women out there who are kindred spirits!
Thanks for blogging and for posting the fingerless mittens!
How many times do you need to cast on for this pattern?