23 September 2011

Gluten-Free Peach Pie

Gluten-Free Peach Pie

Peach Pie
[Gluten-Free or Otherwise]

10 fresh peaches, sliced
1/2 cup coconut sugar
3 tablespoons butter
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon

CeliacTeen’s Gluten-Free Pie Crust
(or your recipe of choice)

1. Bake for 15 minutes at 450°F
2. Then bake for 30-35 minutes at 350°F
3. Turn off oven, leaving pie inside to cool and thicken for 1-2 hours.

It’s delicious!

Gluten-Free Peach Pie

Gluten-Free Peach Pie

  1. 17 Responses to “The peaches that wanted to become a pie.”

  2. Hannah eden on Sep 23, 2011 said:

    oh! Yum, it looks so delish!

  3. Kristin on Sep 23, 2011 said:

    That looks delicious, I may have to try it! Thanks for posting!

  4. Miss. Antoinette on Sep 23, 2011 said:


    What a delightful dessert for the beginning of the fall season! Can you believe it is the first day of fall already!?
    The weather is slowly changing….still a little warm, but much cooler in the morning/evenings.

    We made our very first batch of pumpkin pecan muffins the other day! *happy sigh*

    Fall is HERE!!!

    In Him,

    Miss Antoinette

  5. Rachel hope on Sep 23, 2011 said:

    this sounds delicious, I have never heard of coconut sugar, where do you get it ?
    Rachel Hope

  6. Emily Rose on Sep 23, 2011 said:

    Rachel Hope, we have purchased coconut sugar in cans from an Asian grocery store (our favorite and the least expensive), as well as ordered it online as a lumpy powder (see here). I hope that is helpful!

  7. Jenna on Sep 23, 2011 said:

    Oh, this sounds {and looks!} delicious! Thank you for sharing the recipe!

    Many Blessings,

  8. Barbara on Sep 23, 2011 said:

    Beautiful! I know from experience how hard it is to make the top crust of a gluten free pie beautiful. I’m going to remember your idea of putting little cut-outs on top of the pie. That will solve a whole pile of gluten-free problems. I’m glad your peaches wanted to be a pie.

  9. Emily Ruth on Sep 23, 2011 said:

    Looks soo delicious!

  10. Shelly on Sep 23, 2011 said:

    I’m convinced that your photos could make ANYTHING look wonderful! Blessings!


  11. Elena on Sep 23, 2011 said:

    The pictures are making my mouth water!
    I can’t wait to try this recipe soon. : )

  12. Anna on Sep 24, 2011 said:

    I love how you did the top crust! Quite cute. I’m trying that next time I make a pie. :)

  13. Charis on Sep 24, 2011 said:

    oh that looks delicious! I want to go make some now… :)

  14. Kristiana on Sep 25, 2011 said:

    That sounds delicious!

  15. Emily on Sep 30, 2011 said:

    Those pictures are making me very hungry! My family loves peach pie. How did you make it so pretty? Thanks for sharing.

  16. Elizabeth on Sep 30, 2011 said:

    Looks delicious, Emily Rose! Thanks for sharing your mouth-watering pictures and the recipe with us! I just may try this one out someday. =) Looks scrumptious! Have a lovely day, rejoicing in the Lord!

  17. Jacqueline on Oct 5, 2011 said:

    Mmm! Mmm! I love the little starry crust topping :) It makes me think of a fairy tale pie! you are so creative !! I’d love if you’d link this up and share your labours even more! You honestly bring me so much traffic! Haha! I hope to make this delightful pie, but If I can’t get peaches, I may have to settle for apples!! lol

  18. Madison on Oct 15, 2011 said:

    What a simple recipe! That’s the cutest pie I’ve ever seen. :D Thanks for sharing!

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