3 January 2011
Reflecting on the past year, rejoicing in the Lord and His goodness, and resolving to nobler things in the coming year.
R e f l e c t i n g
Reflect: To throw or turn back the thoughts upon the past operations of the mind or upon past events. [We reflect with pleasure on a generous or heroic action; we reflect with pain on our follies and vices; we reflect on our former thoughts, meditations and opinions.]
Looking back at this past year and seeing how the Lord has changed me and given me new life in Him, what and how He has taught me, what goals have and have not been accomplished, what my strengths and weaknesses have been, where I have visited, who I have met, etc.
It was most certainly a wonderful and blessed year.
And in all of the reflecting I am reminded that “only the things done for the Lord will last.”
R e j o i c i n g
Rejoice: To experience joy and gladness in a high degree; to be exhilarated with lively and pleasurable sensations; to exult.
Rejoicing in God’s goodness, law, faithfulness, grace, love, justice, mercy, forgiveness, restoration, sovereignty, perfect time and plan, joy, strength, peace, . . .
God has shown me great mercy this past year and I am so thankful for His salvation, His mighty works, and His forgiveness. I am indebted to Him, and my life is His and His alone.
R e s o l v i n g
Resolve: To fix in opinion or purpose; to determine in mind. [He resolved to abandon his vicious course of life.]
We are to be always reforming. I want to always strive for higher, nobler things – things that bring honor and glory to my Lord and Savior.
I have several lists for this coming year, but I know that I would like to make this forever true in my life: “for me, to live is Christ and to die is gain” (Philippians 1:21). I want there to be less of me and more of Him. I want to faithfully serve in the domain that He has placed me, to joyfully submit, to use my time wisely, seek to bless others, to be prayerful in all things, and to wait on the Lord.
Semper Reformanda! Soli Deo Gloria!
(Definitions courtesy of Webster’s 1828 Dictionary.)
Ana W. on Jan 3, 2011 said:
Amen! I wholeheartedly agree with your resolutions!
May the Lord richly bless you in the year ahead.
I hope we will get the pleasure of meeting you and your family. sometime this year.
Annie Joy on Jan 3, 2011 said:
Amen! This is a beautiful, thought-provoking post. I want to reflect, rejoice and resolve more often this year.
Tosha on Jan 3, 2011 said:
I have been one of your faithful silent readers over the course of this past year. I have thoroughly enjoyed and been encouraged as I have read posts.
This one is especially dear to my heart, because as a daughter these three Rs are essential.
Reflecting on the things of the past so as we don’t make the same mistakes again and yet at the same time see how far the Lord has brought us.
Rejoicing in God, that we may never be discouraged at the trials ahead.
Resolving to always continue onward and upward toward our King.
Thank you for a wonderful definition of each word and bringing them together in an inspiring post.
Bethany on Jan 4, 2011 said:
Thank you Emily! This was a very timely post!
Oh, and I l-o-v-e your new design. So lovely, beautiful, and distinctly feminine. :)
Elena Marques on Jan 4, 2011 said:
Wonderful post, Emily! Thank you for sharing your thoughts, they’re are an encouragement to read as I ponder the past year and what lies ahead.
I heartily agree with what you have said!
May God bless you as you strive to serve and honor Him in all that you do.
Stacey on Jan 4, 2011 said:
I love this post. It wraps so much up so nicely. My heart resounds to the last statement.
Pauline on Jan 5, 2011 said:
Melinda @ Trailing After God on Jan 6, 2011 said:
That is exactly what I have been doing the past week or two. Reflecting on achievements and trying to not focus on the negative things. Thank you for the reminder again today.