1 November 2014

This autumn we planted three varieties of garlic. Now we get to wait for the summer harvest to find out which we like best and add home-grown garlic to some favorite dishes – it’s perfect in steak sauce, mashed cauliflower, fermented green beans, and a host of others.

As if its vibrant flavor wasn’t good enough, garlic is full of anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, and anti-oxidant properties, which make it an especially good thing to have on hand.

Heads of Garlic

Before breaking apart the garlic heads.

Planting Garlic

Burrowing the garlic clove into its winter home, pointy-side up.

Planting Garlic

Cloves ready to be covered with a blend of dirt and home-ripened compost.

Garlic Cloves

“While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat,
summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.”
—Genesis 8:22

  1. 3 Responses to “Planting Garlic”

  2. Vicky on Nov 2, 2014 said:

    Is it that easy?? I must try this! :)

  3. Jacqueline @ Deeprootsathome.com on Nov 2, 2014 said:

    Oh, yes! Ours are in, too! There isn’t anything more valuable in our garden, food-wise, than garlic. The soil is still quite warm!
    Blessings to you all :)

  4. Mary Bellebuono on Nov 17, 2014 said:

    We are Italian and indeed grow our own garlic every fall is planting time , our biggest problem is the best way to store over the hot summer. With no basement it is hard to find a dry cool space, BUT i will not give up on it !! We do of course share..

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