30 August 2009

Be Still

What a beautiful day the Sabbath is! It is a day where we gather as believers to listen to God’s Word being preached, praising and thanking Him for His great works. It is a day of rest, recuperating from the previous week and rejuvenating for the upcoming week. It is a day of resting in Christ our Savior.

Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord your God; in it you shall not do any work, you or your son or your daughter, your male or your female servant or your cattle or your sojourner who stays with you. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day; therefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day and made it holy.

Exodus 20:8-11

God gave us the Sabbath for our benefit . . . He has made us so that we need rest one day in seven. It has been proved, upon fair trial, that men cannot do as much, nor preserve their health as well, by laboring seven days in a week, as they can by laboring six days, and resting one day in a week.

If there were no Sabbath, you would have no day of rest. You would grow weary of school, if you were obliged to attend and study seven days in a week. If you are kept at home to work, you would soon tire out, if you had to labor every day in the week. But, by resting every seventh day, you get recruited, so that you are able to go on with study or work with new vigor.

The Sabbath, in this respect, is then a great blessing to you; and you ought to be so thankful to God for it, as to keep it strictly according to His command.

How to be a Lady by Harvey Newcomb, 1850

  1. 9 Responses to “Being Still”

  2. Rhonda Devine on Aug 30, 2009 said:

    We were just commenting as we sat around the living room this evening how wonderful Sunday is for resting at home after corporate worship and fellowship. It is so wonderful that God gave us such a day as this~

  3. Riley Tea on Aug 30, 2009 said:

    I was thinking along these lines earlier today, and had thought about doing a similar post, but it looks like you’ve got it covered! :) (great minds think alike, haha :) )

    This has been such a crazy week for my family and I, so today I definitely find myself exceedingly thankful for the time of resting and recuperating before another week begins.

    I hope you and your family have a great week! :)
    God bless!

  4. Miss Eyebright on Aug 31, 2009 said:

    Sunday is always such a relief. A day to refresh and re-cooperate from the toils and cares of this world, and to be refueled to do the Lord’s will for the next week. Thank you so much for the lovely reminder!

    Have a very bright, very cheerful day!
    Miss Eyebright

  5. Elizabeth on Aug 31, 2009 said:

    Lovely post, Emily Rose! Sunday is such a wonderful day to spend time with the Lord and be refreshed before another busy week. I enjoyed seeing the quotes from “How to be a Lady.” That book is so very encouraging!

    Have a nice day, delighting in the Lord!

  6. Sarah H. on Aug 31, 2009 said:

    There is nothing that I love more then to sit back and enjoy a restful Sunday. That was a good post

  7. Miss Jen on Aug 31, 2009 said:

    AMEN!!! :) How good and glorious is the Sabbath!

    Love~ Miss Jen

  8. Trinity Mommy on Sep 1, 2009 said:


  9. goatgirl46 on Sep 2, 2009 said:

    Happy September!It is so cold for September.
    hope you have a good day!

  10. Angelia inTX on Sep 2, 2009 said:

    AHHHH YES, Sabbath is a happy day. Love the scriptures and quotes. You know the neatest books. Smiles, Angelia

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