20 June 2009
Over the past couple weeks, we have had several animal visitors spend a bit of time in our yard. It is amazing to see the detail that God gave them.
As Buddy Davis says,
“It’s designed to do what it does do. What it does do it does do well.”
A golden-eyed toad that ribbit-ed when I picked him up. He enjoyed hunkering in the grass.
A young robin who graced us with it’s presence on a few occasions (surprisingly he did not seem to mind our somewhat up-close company).
A pleasant turtle (about the size of a dinner plate) enjoyed tramping across our yard (Daddy had saved him while he was crossing the road in town and we later dropped him of at Granny’s pond).
We also had deer, but I did not get very good pictures of them as they were quicker on foot than I was at changing the camera lens.
Have you had any animal guests lately?
Hannah on Jun 20, 2009 said:
How fun! I love the turtle :-), he doesn’t look as if he minded having the camera in his face :-)
We’ve had some deer recently too, but yes, they are so fast!
That is one of the awesome things about living in the country- all the animals!! Except…when the groundhogs and rabbits eat the garden…
Sarah Mae on Jun 20, 2009 said:
So, which one are you going to enter into the uprinting contest? ;)
Elizabeth Novak on Jun 20, 2009 said:
My mouse Betsy just gave birth to 5 baby mice, they are the cutest ever. Hopefully I will be posting some pictures of them soon.
Great pictures.
Everly Pleasant on Jun 20, 2009 said:
Yes, yes! We’ve had many animal guests. We rescue turtles off the street and deliver them to nearby ponds very often. :)
Miss Eyebright on Jun 20, 2009 said:
Oh, I love the turtle! You have wild turtles in Indiana? That is so cool!
Have a very bright, very cheerful day!
Miss Eyebright
Annie on Jun 21, 2009 said:
Hi Emily Rose!
Yes, we have had many little critters in our yard, including a sweet baby bunny, affectionately called “Mousie.” :)
I am a writer for our homeschool group’s blog and recently posted some photos I took of flowers in our yard. I would like to know your opinion on my photography, so please visit the link below and leave a comment if you like. Thank you!
Sherry on Jun 21, 2009 said:
Your photography is amazing. You should join Amy Dean for Wordfilled Wednesday. It is a weekly meme where you do photo’s illustrating God’s word. These photo’s are great. Thanks for sharing.
I hope your family has a Blessed week.
Miss Sherry
Elizabeth on Jun 22, 2009 said:
Simply delightful, Miss Emily Rose!
We have seen a delightful toad in our garden, quite a few birds outside in our backyard, etc. Isn’t God’s Creation amazing?
Joyfully in Jesus,
Miss Jen on Jun 22, 2009 said:
each one is different and uniquely
made by an Amazing Creator!
Many Blessings~ Jen
Rhonda Devine on Jun 22, 2009 said:
Those are lovely pictures, Emily! Last week while out driving, I saw a huge turtle crossing the road–I got a kick out of seeing these big working trucks that kept swerving to miss hitting him~hope he made it;)
Liz on Jun 23, 2009 said:
I’m not sure if you read all your comments on all your posts all the time, but I was just wondering what kind of camera you use for all your pictures. Thanks!
Kimmy on Jun 24, 2009 said:
Oh yes, we have a funny little visitor who enjoys coming for our apparently fine-tasting hors-de’vours. (or however you spell that) haha. :)
We have a screened-in back porch where my dog’s house, food, and water are. (she’s a 2-year old black lab named Jenna.) Anywho, during the day, we leave the door of the porch propped open so Jenna can go out into the fenced-in back yard and come back in for shade, food, etc. when she needs to.
Several days ago, my family and I were enjoying a quiet afternoon in our den, which has a sliding glass door leading into the porch. As we were sitting there, we noticed this little squirrel hopping up to the porch door. (Jenna was inside with us at the time) He hopped in, stopped, sniffed and looked around. He crawled a few cautious steps closer, stopped and looked around again. He did this until he was right up against the sliding glass door where the dog food bowl was. We watched with rapt attention, shocked that he was daring to come so close! Then, he took a morsel of the dog food and ate it! He ran away and paused. Then he came crawling back up and took another piece. By that time he was comfortable enough to stay and eat 4 more pieces of food.
He’s now returned everyday for bits of dogfood! We have since dubbed him ‘Hammy’. :)
Have a great day! God bless!
Jess on Jun 24, 2009 said:
Haha – we’ve had lots of wallabies visit us recently!! Not many Americans would see that in their backyard! :D Domino thinks they are the latest chasing victim, and zooms after them, but fortunately she hasn’t caught any of them (*yet)!
Have a fantastic day (it’s night here) and will be praying for you for Friday!
Love Jess
Livvy P. on Jun 25, 2009 said:
The pictures are lovely! And yes, I just posted about a very unwelcome animal to our chicken coop.
Sara on Jul 1, 2009 said:
In town, there have been a pair of rufous-sided towees sitting right over my head when I’m walking the dogs. And then this week I saw a young cardinal with a BLACK bald head!!??
On vacation though, I saw a deer! And a scorpion (dead, thankfully!) and a stick-bug. And two tiny tiny little tree frogs the color of pine mulch. I love frogs and toads. :)
Tarissa on Jul 1, 2009 said:
Emily Rose,
Your photography skills are just great!
Each of those animal pictures turned out splendidly. The photos are very close-up & detailed. So pretty!
You can take a look at my blog to see the latest visitor in our own backyard.
Can I ask what kind of camera you use?
My family is interested in getting a new one soon.
~ Tarissa