3 December 2010

Almond Quick Bread

Having been in search of the perfect gluten-free bread to replace that delicious whole-wheat bread, my dear mother has experimented with many recipes. Some tasted good, others tolerable – but, of course, nothing had that grand taste of whole-wheat.

So, it was decided that we needed to look for a good recipe with a good texture and forget the taste of wheat. The loaf needed to work for the different things we would eat it with, hold up for longer than one day, and have its own delightful taste.

Enter: Almond Quick Bread.

The flour in this bread is almond flour. Almond may be slightly more expensive compared to other gluten-free flours, but it outweighs them all when it comes to healthfulness.

Instead of paying extra for already ground almond flour, we blanch and grind our almonds (post on that coming soon). This way we can purchase the regular almonds at a lower price (thank you, Costco!).

Here is the recipe for this amazing bread (great for sandwiches, pb&j, toast, etc.)

Almond Quick Bread
MAKES: One Loaf  |  NOTE: Gluten-Free

1 1/2 cup blanched almond flour . . . or non-blanched* (see below)
3/4 cup tapioca starch
1/4 cup ground flax seed
1/2 tsp. sea salt
1/2 tsp. baking soda
4 eggs
1 tsp. honey
1 tsp. apple cider vinegar

In a medium bowl, combine almond flour, tapioca, flax, salt and baking soda. In a larger bowl, blend eggs for 3-5 minutes, until frothy. Stir honey and vinegar into eggs. Add and mix the dry ingredients with the wet.

Pour batter into a well greased 7.5″ x 3.5″ loaf pan. Bake at 350ºF for 30-35 minutes, until a toothpick inserted into center of loaf comes out clean. Let cool. Slice and enjoy!

(This is our version of Elena‘s Gluten-Free Sandwich Bread.)

Almond Quick Bread Sliced


Using non-blanched almond flour adds moisture (which, when gluten-free is especially important!) and makes it taste more “wholegrain.” Aesthetically, it darkens the bread and adds little brown specks.

Although both ways it tastes delicious, we recommend using the non-blanched almond flour (because of the added moisture as well as if you’re making your own flour, it’s a great time-saver).

Almond Bread (with un-blanched almond flour)

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  1. 45 Responses to “Almond Quick Bread (Gluten-Free)”

  2. Sarah on Dec 3, 2010 said:

    Thanks so much, Emily! Being gluten-free, I am always looking for new recipes!

    P.S. Check out our Christmas giveaway at http://www.flameinthedarkness.com/fabulous-flower-bracelet-giveaway/

  3. Miss Rachel P. on Dec 3, 2010 said:

    Oh, delicious! :D Yes, I know how hard it is to get a nice loaf of GF breads. :( This one looks fabulous…does it “taste” like almond or is it just almond because of the flour. Have you tried adding other things like some chopped nuts/seeds to it? :) I will certainly have to take a look at costco for almonds (haven’t priced them there yet). ;) And I am waiting in anticipation for your your tutorial about blanching the almonds and such. ;)

    I found this GF rolls recipe this morning from a friend. :) They look pretty good so I will have to try them maybe next week. :) http://web.me.com/mercercafe/SharonsMusings/Eating_for_Life/Entries/2010/12/3_Easy_Dinner_Rolls.html

    Have a blessed weekend dear! :)
    Love and Hugs!

  4. Madeline on Dec 3, 2010 said:

    This bread looks so good Emily Rose!! Hopefully I’ll be able to make it soon, gluten-free bread recipees that taste good are so heard to find!!

  5. Hannah on Dec 3, 2010 said:

    Two of my boys have been eating almond flour for years, and we love it! I haven’t tried this recipe yet, but I often go to Elana’s Pantry for recipes. We like the Silver Dollar Pancakes recipe. I have been getting our almond flour from a place in California. If you or your Mom wants to write me, just send it through Hannah’s email.
    Mrs. Mills

  6. Jasmine on Dec 4, 2010 said:

    Emily, I’m always looking for healhier alternatives to eating, so thanks for this recipe.



  7. Joseph,H on Dec 4, 2010 said:

    Great job Brookshires! It looks very tasty.

  8. Eden on Dec 5, 2010 said:

    That bread looks SO delicious! Our family has a bad cold but I can’t wait to get back into the kitchen and make tasty delights like almond bread. :) Thanks for sharing the recipe. Blessings!

  9. Pauline on Dec 6, 2010 said:

    WOW, Emily! It makes my mouth water. I will definitely copy the recipe down and try it sometime.Is it like the Ezekiel 4:9 bread?
    Blessings to you and your family!

  10. Kendall on Dec 6, 2010 said:


    Thank you so much for this recipe! My younger sister eats gluten-free, and has for 14 years, but we are always looking for new recipes!
    I would also like your permission to post a link to your blog on my blog: Declaration of Dependence.

    Thanks so much,

  11. Emily Rose on Dec 6, 2010 said:

    Kendall, thank you for asking! Yes, you most certainly may post a link to my blog on yours! I hope you are having a lovely day! Blessings, Emily Rose

  12. Gabrielle Renee on Dec 7, 2010 said:

    I was wondering if you knew of any gluten-free sugar cookie recipes? I have a sister (actually two) who is allergic to both wheat and spelt flours, so I am trying to find a recipe I could use to make them Christmas cookies. I am not certain how almond flour would taste for sugar cookies…

    In Christ,

  13. Emily Rose on Dec 8, 2010 said:

    Gabrielle, I haven’t looked for one yet, but if I find one that works I’ll be sure to share it here! I would like to try using our old, favorite recipe and replace the flour with a gluten-free flour blend . . . we’ll see how that works. (I’m not sure how almond flour sugar cookies would taste, either.) Blessings, Emily Rose

  14. Renee Stam on Dec 8, 2010 said:

    oh my those ever look so yummy!

  15. Miss. Antoinette on Dec 20, 2010 said:

    Oh, it looks so delicious! I will have to give that recipe a try!

    Thanks for sharing!


    Miss Antoinette

  16. kelly on Dec 26, 2010 said:

    I am always looking for tried and true gf recipes. We overhauled our eating 18 months ago and have seen some health benefits too. I found a wonderful gf bread recipes (my kids actually prefer it to homemade whole wheat bread!) It was my 7th (or more!) gf bread recipe and I have been making it ever since. I also have “tried and true” family favorites for pancakes, waffles, chocolate chip cookies (yours look amazing by the way!) bagels and pizza. Yum! Have a blessed new year. =0) Kelly

  17. Rachel on Jan 10, 2011 said:

    Thank you so much for sharing such a brilliant recipe. I’ll confess, I’m horrible at gluten free baking. When I tackled this recipe, I didn’t have a lot of confidence in my ability to make it work. To top it off, I had to substitute two of the ingredients. This recipe worked out really well and now I have a safe option to offer everyone. Thanks again!

  18. Mosey on Jan 16, 2011 said:

    Tried this today, very yummy with some butter and honey!

  19. jas @ the gluten free scallywag on Jan 24, 2011 said:

    oooo yum! this looks delicious – bit like an all almond madeira cake. Can’t wait to try it!

    thanks for the link up to my blog btw, just found yours and I’m loving it!

    :) Jas.

  20. Deb on Jan 28, 2011 said:

    I found almond flour at walmart today, will be making GF almond bread this weekend, thanks Emily Rose

  21. Madeline on Mar 9, 2011 said:

    Emily Rose,
    Thanks for the fabulous recipe!
    A few days ago I made this with non-blanched almond flour. It was very good! I’m making it again right now! :)

  22. Robin on Jun 9, 2011 said:

    This is exactly the recipe I needed. I love the adaptation to Elana’s recipe, this feels less like quick bread texture and sturdier like sandwich bread. It’s going into my keeper file. Thank you!

  23. Hannah on Jul 15, 2011 said:

    Thanks for posting your version! It is in the oven right now & I have high hopes for surprising my gluten-intolerant buddy with little tea sandwiches that she can enjoy w/out fear.

  24. Lacy on Aug 21, 2011 said:

    Gabrielle and Emily Rose,

    I’m really late to the party, but I’m also gluten free and have recently discovered a great cookbook: Babycakes Covers the Classics (it’s evidently the author’s second book), that is both gluten free and vegan (great for my family as we’ve been told by the doctor to avoid most dairy, too).

    In the book, there is a sugar cookie recipe as well as some variations (snickerdoodles is one). I haven’t tried those yet, but so far the ones I have tried (oh, madeleines, how do we love you!) have turned out great. Hope that helps. Emily Rose, thanks for all of these recipes and the lovely site.


  25. Mrs. Joenne Courtney on Dec 14, 2011 said:

    Hi Emily Rose~

    I was wondering if you have ever made your own almond flour. Also, if you don’t mind letting me know, where do you get yours and do you buy in bulk?

    Tell your momma and Breezy I said “Hi”. Miss you all…

  26. Emily Rose on Dec 14, 2011 said:

    Mrs. Courtney, we were grinding almonds to make flour in our VitaMix (which you have to carefully pulse until ground, as if it grinds too much you will be left with almond butter instead of flour). We’ve stopped grinding our own, though, as the most affordable whole almonds we could find were processed alongside wheat, and for various reasons we concluded that it was most like cross-contaminated. Now, we purchase almond flour in bulk from Honeyville, which is the best and least-expensive route. We miss you all, too!

  27. Brenda on Jan 1, 2012 said:

    Can you use anything other then tapioca starch? I try to eat gluten free and carb free,, just a thought.. thanks

  28. Emily Rose on Jan 1, 2012 said:

    Brenda, the starch helps to lighten the bread. You could try arrowroot powder, which is still a starch but would be a healthier choice.

  29. KarenO on Jan 1, 2012 said:

    Looking forward to trying this recipe! Do you think I could use raw agave nectar instead of honey? I know that honey is thicker than agave, so do you think that might add too much liquid?

  30. Emily Rose on Jan 1, 2012 said:

    KarenO, using raw agave nectar as a replacement for the honey should work well. Although it is thinner, the amount is small and shouldn’t alter the final consistency and baking time. Enjoy!

  31. Dee Johnson on Jan 1, 2012 said:

    Thank you so much for this recipe! I have looked for a quick bread recipe we could use as a sandwich bread, but couldn’t find any. I was going to try and create one myself, but with just having my 8th baby almost 4 months ago, I just haven’t had the time. I will be trying this soon! :) Thanks!

  32. jb on Jan 2, 2012 said:

    Looks good but can an egg substitute be used? could you recommend one? Thanks!

  33. Emily Rose on Jan 4, 2012 said:

    JB, we have used partial substitute for the eggs – to lessen the number of eggs, but not completely replace them – with Chia Seeds (for replacement of one egg: let 1 TB chia seed and 3 TB water sit and gel for about 15 minutes). I hope that is helpful! If you try a full substitute of Chia Seed Gel for the eggs, please let me know how it turns out.

  34. Heather on Jan 4, 2012 said:

    LOVE LOVE LOVE this! I made this, doubled the honey. Used chia seeds since I didn’t have flax. Was DELICIOUS! Thank you!

  35. Dolly Madison on Jan 8, 2012 said:

    Amazing is it! This is our new favorite bread recipe. My other recipes take a *long* time to make, so we rarely eat bread. Now we can more often! Thank you so much!

  36. Gina Murawski on Feb 15, 2012 said:

    Is there something that can be used to substitute the flax seed? I can’t eat it.

  37. Emily Rose on Feb 15, 2012 said:

    Gina, I haven’t tried making it without the ground flax seed, but the bread should still turn out if you just exclude that ingredient. Let me know if you try it – would be glad to hear how it turns out!

  38. Karen on Jun 14, 2012 said:

    This recipe looks LOVELY! We are on GAPS diet and we aren’t able to have tapioca, do you think I could substitute more almond flour for this? I am really excited about adding this to our diet, it has become very repitious and that can be more difficult to keep little Ones on it….and Mommy too :O

  39. April on Aug 11, 2013 said:

    I am looking forward to trying this recipe. Trying to find a good GF sandwich bread for my son. Can you please comment on how long it will stay fresh and do you need to refrigerate? Thanks.

  40. Emily Rose on Sep 5, 2013 said:

    April, our almond bread stays fresh on the counter for up to five days. We make 4-8 loaves at a time and store the extras in the freezer, thawing them as needed. If your son isn’t able to get through a loaf while it’s still fresh, you could freeze the extras as half-loaves and thaw as needed.

  41. Lauren on Sep 13, 2013 said:

    Just made this today and it turned out beautifully! I toasted a slice, spread on some coconut oil, sprinkled on a bit of salt, took a bite, and… wonderfulness! I think this shall be a staple recipe for my husband and I. Thank you for sharing this great recipe : )

  42. STEPHANIE on Sep 26, 2013 said:


  43. georgia on Apr 26, 2017 said:

    Just made it and just loved it!

  1. 3 Trackback(s)

  2. Jan 23, 2012: “Pantry” Black Bean, Corn, and Salsa Soup with Gluten-Free, Grain … | Bread Recipes Tips
  3. Nov 13, 2013: 103 Best Skinny Holiday Recipes
  4. Jun 18, 2014: 75 Best Gluten Free Recipes

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