26 March 2013
Great joy comes with working together as a family. With businesses born and run in our home, we’ve learned what a blessing it can be to manage cottage industries.
Each part of the family contributes a different skill, giving the rest of us even more appreciation for the various talents God gives people. We’re all working alongside each other towards the same goal, growing in our relationships with one another and in our walks with the Lord. We love it! Whether it’s illustrating a new art print, or writing a note to be shipped off with an embroidery kit, we take pleasure in the work God has given us.
Although it wasn’t necessarily a dream of ours to own businesses, we are thankful that the Lord has directed our steps and laid in our laps many projects and opportunities over the past few years.
We’re certainly not business experts, but a lot has been learned along the way (more than we ever imagined!). There is much, much more to learn and we always find it a great opportunity when we can gain wisdom from wise and experienced entrepreneurs.

Lydia on Mar 26, 2013 said:
I’ll be there ( I don’t know about at your booth, but) at the conference for at least 1 day (FRI) I’m hoping longer.
I am glad you all get to be a part of this! I hope you enjoy it and are able to bring back lots of good information to help your business along!
We will see you there, God-willing!! it will be here before we know it, too:) xoxo
I’ve really enjoyed reading your blog for a couple of years now, and have been wonderfully encouraged. Your photography is lovely and inspiring, and the spirit in which you write even more so.
We’ve attended the Family Economics Conference the past two years, and what a wonderful time it’s been! Our family has come home encouraged, refreshed, challenged, and inspired. We plan to attend again this year, Lord willing. I look forward to meeting you!
Working together as a family is always such a blessing!
Looking forward to seeing you! We’ll be there!
Emily Rose, After receiving and opening the embroidery kit (that I ordered from Clementine Pattern Co.) “His Mercies Are New”, I was VERY impressed by the care with which the kit was made and assembled. After seeing the above photo of all the parts of the kits yet to be assembled, I was just wondering…..did you and your sister and mother…wind all of that floss…onto all of those floss cards…by hand? Did you use any kind of a “winder”?…….Because the floss cards, filled with so many beautiful colors, are quite lovely too (and very professional looking).
Cynthia, we are so glad to know that you enjoyed getting the embroidery kit! Yes, we do wind all of the floss onto the floss cards by hand – it ends up going faster than one might think, especially after lots of practice. :-) (And I must agree, the colors do look so pretty together!)