26 January 2010

Where has the bird of time flown off to? Why does it seem that whenever we look for it, we find that it has fluttered off into the distance? One moment it is here right beside us, and the next it is flying off into the horizon never to return again.

Time fades more quickly than we would like it to. We would love to stop time and savor the special moments when the joy around us seems as though it can be no happier.

It seems as though every day there is something that we wish could last longer.

Yet time cannot be stopped, it keeps on going. Life is a gift from our Lord. It is as a vapor that lasts only for a moment (James 4:14). We are given only a time, only a season on this earth in which things come and go.

That is why every moment is important: it is a gift of God. Every hour is important. Every day is important.  We are responsible for how we use our time. Are we using these blessed moments in a fruitful way?

I can always see areas in which I can and need to improve the way I spend my time. I am far from perfect. But I do know the One who is perfect, and in Him, with His strength, I can do all things (Philippians 4:13).

At all times our focus must be on our Creator. God is in control, and it is because of Him that we must be faithful with the time He has given us on this beautiful earth. We must use our time wisely.

In this culture fascinated with entertainment, it is easy to become distracted. That is where regret may come into play. We can find ourselves caught up in the moment and forget the most important things around us when we loose our focus and misplace our priorities.

Looking back we see how the Lord has worked in our lives. We can see the many changes in our lives and in the lives of those around us. We may miss those past days, but hopefully we will not look back with regrets. That would be a terrible end of the story.

It is up to us how we use our time and, by God’s grace, we can use it for His honor and glory.

Will we waste it or spend it wisely with no regrets?

  1. 12 Responses to “Time.”

  2. Livvy Powers on Jan 26, 2010 said:

    So thought-provoking, Emily Rose!
    What a great reminder.

    God bless,

  3. Miss. Antoinette on Jan 26, 2010 said:

    Thank you for such a great post! it is such a reminder how precious our life here on earth really is, and that we should strove to glorifly God in all that we do *1 Corinthians 10:3*

    Thanks again for that wonderful reminder!

    Blessings in Christ,

    Miss Antoinette Joy

  4. Samantha on Jan 26, 2010 said:

    Hi Emily! I have a quick question for you! Would you mind if my mom your Daughter’s of His Story button on our blog? Although we haven’t purchased any yet, we both LOVE your dolls and would like to share them with our friends and family. Let me know!

  5. Kimberly on Jan 26, 2010 said:

    Thank you, Emily! I needed to hear this.

  6. Emily Ruth on Jan 26, 2010 said:

    ah… regrets. And temptations. Thank you Emily Rose! A good reminder.


  7. The Aunt on Jan 27, 2010 said:

    Regrets, I’ve had a few, but then again, too few to mention…..I did what I had to do, ….oh, wait that is a song that Elvis sang. I am sorry, things got away from me for a bit. But, yes, I have many many regrets, but do strive to make them fewer and fewer as the years go by.

    Take care Love, Love, The Aunt

  8. Carley on Jan 27, 2010 said:

    Thank you for these words, Emily. I recently found your blog and have been blessed through it. You write eloquently and with depth-I appreciate both.

  9. Angelia T anner on Jan 27, 2010 said:

    You are blessed to be so wise in your youth. Praise be to God for your wisdom and most of all for sharing it. Time is of great value and I pray with these thoughts I will prayerfully consider the use of my time and numbering my days aright to glorify and please my Lord. A sweet hug for a sweet young lady. smiles, Angelia in TX

  10. Renee on Jan 28, 2010 said:

    I am now 40 and I look back at all the time I think I wasted. I wish I could get back a few minutes, hours, days, monthes and years…But I have now grown to understand that many of my mistakes were to grow me and stretch me and conform me to be more like Him. I don’t look at time the same or mistakes the same:) He knows what we need and how to grow us! Oh, how I am so grateful for Him!

    Wonderful post!!



  11. Allison Ruth on Jan 28, 2010 said:

    What a wonderful, thought provoking post! Thanks for sharing!


  12. Miss Rebekah Ann S. on Jan 28, 2010 said:

    Wow. Talk about convicting! :)

    This is a very serious issue, and I’m so glad you’ve brought it up. I have struggled with this all my life, but only within the past 3 years or so has it really been convicting to me. I’m a procrastinator of procrastinators, and I have dealt with so much regret over lost moments where I could have done so much for the Lord, accomplished so much, learned so much, etc., but instead gave in to entertainment and other pursuits instead. That is a huge problem affecting our society today. I knew it was important to redeem one’s time, but the depth of just how dire it is hit me between the eyes one day when I heard someone say on the radio that wasting our time is the equivalent of stealing from God, for it’s His time that He gives to us to be good stewards of, for His glory and the advancement of Kingdom work.

    Thank you again, dear Emily, for bringing this up! May we heed your words of wisdom.

    Love you,

  13. Miss Maiden on Jan 29, 2010 said:

    Do you have a schedule you stick to, in the hopes of using your time wisely and productively? If so, could you tell me what it’s like? I’ve been struggling with coming up with a good schedule, and would really appreciate any ideas you have.

    Thank you so much!

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