4 September 2009
Breezy and I spent the last six weeks working on a project that the Lord blessed us with. He has seen us through every moment of painting, designing, and writing, giving us inspiration and perseverance!
All of your guesses have been most inspiring (some of you even guessed another project we have in the works), and a few of you guessed correctly! The first was Maddy (I’ve emailed you!), who gets to choose which C — or Collection — she would like.
Our project is . . . A Paper Doll Series of Historical Women in Christ’s Kingdom!
Entitled Daughters of His Story Paper Dolls, this “new series of paper dolls gives young ladies a wholesome and delightful product to enjoy while strengthening them in biblical femininity, character, and love for history. Beautifully and modestly dressed, the ladies featured in these collections are women of God who sacrificed much to serve the Lord, their husbands, and their families.”
Each collection comes with two ladies, two short biographies, three outfits apiece, two timeline figures, and a pocket to be attached to the inside of the keepsake folder. (Cutting is required, so parental oversight is suggested for younger girls.)
As to the clues . . .
— Anything having to do with food was referring to hospitality (these ladies were very hospitable).
— The Queens — Queen Anne’s Lace — has to do with future ladies which, Lord willing, will be included in future Collections (at the time we had not selected all of the ladies for the first three collections).
— The Computer desk is where I have sat for the past six weeks, cleaning up the images and laying out the booklets.
— The C1, C2 and C3 color swatches are the background colors of the collection covers.
— The Toys from the Past was hinting at paper dolls as toys from the past.
— The Clues with Abigail Adams referred to the research done for Collection Two (which includes Abigail Adams).
These dolls are currently at the printers, and should be available, Lord willing, by early October!
How lovely! *sigh* What a nice project for girls! I am looking forward to getting more info such as pricing, etc… Also, I can’t wait to view the new website!
BTW, the gowns are beautiful. I love old-fashioned clothing. :)
Beautiful! You ladies are very talented! Isn’t it wonderful when God gifts us with special talents that we can share with others. Blessings on your continued success.
Aww! They are so sweet! :) I can’t wait to see the new website! :)
Lovely! Lovely! I am trusting that God will bless the works of your hands ~ for His glory and for your encouragement! These will be wonderful for my little ladies!
YAY! I love paper dolls. Interesting. I must be losing brain cells from all of the homeschooling were doing. Never mind. I know what it is. Sewing. Seam ripped it right out of me.
It was fun guessing. You know I want some of these lovely paper dolls for my three daughters!
Love ya.
Oh how amazing. How creative. Isn’t it just glorius when the Lord gives you a vision and then supplies all that is necessary. I love them. How do you plan to market these treasues? I would love to write about them on my blog I know a couple of local families that have little girls that would love theses. Congratulations. I’ll be praying for smooth sailing through the next step of your project.
Many Blessings,
Miss Sherry
BTW I don’t know if you have come by my blog. I haven’t written anything in a couple of weeks. I am a missionary working with teenage girls that live in a halfway house. I have been really busy the last couple of weeks. Anyway come by my blog when you have time.
Blessings again. Miss Sherry
Oh, how beautiful and creative!!! Wow!!!! It’s incredible what can happen when two creative young ladies put their heads together! :)
Your friend,
Hello Emily Rose and Breezy!
How lovely! What a nice project for young ladies to enjoy with a nice touch of femininity, history and modesty! I’m looking forward to the new website and the gowns are lovely! Old fashioned dresses are simply elegant!
Will Vision Forum be selling these, too? I’m sure that would be quite a nice addition to their upcoming catalog!
Excited for pricing, the new website, etc! You two are such encouraging young ladies and I enjoyed seeing yet another of one of your lovely projects…what a blessing!
Have a nice day, delighting in the Lord!
How wonderful! They’re absolutely lovely! You ladies must have put so much work into them — and well worth it, too, in my opinion! :-) It’s such a blessing to see you both using the skills God has given you for His glory!
I hope the Lord blesses me with daughters one day so they can play and learn with these — but I don’t think I can wait that long to get my hands on them! ;-)
Love in Christ,
They’re so beautiful! You both did a wonderful job!
Very, very good job! If I had some, I would do one of two things. Sit here and put each dress on each doll, or I would frame them and hang them on the wall. :)
Have a very bright, very cheerful day!
Miss Eyebright
Wow, they are beautiful and wonderful!
What a brilliant idea! They are absolutely gorgeous, I can’t wait to buy one!!!
May the Lord bless you and your efforts, Emily Rose & Breezy!!
With much love,
~Livvy Powers
(((HUG))) So thankful for you both.
Love you,
Marie :)
Wow! What a wonderful project. Beautiful work! :-)
How Wonderful! My sister and I used to play with paper dolls when we were younger, and I think that’s great that young ladies can enjoy them while having godly examples instead of worldly ones! :D Congratulations ladies! I pray that you would have much success with your new business and that God would greatly bless it! :D
Oh, girls, they are lovely! I wish Hannah were younger; we could play paper dolls! I’ll have to wait on grandchildren. I am glad you are both using the talent that the Lord has blessed you with.
Mrs. Mills
OH MY GOODNESS!!!!! Those are so beautiful!!! :D :D :D They are definitely going to be special ‘Heritage’ gifts for any girl. :) I can’t wait to see the new website.
I remember playing with paperdolls that my Grandma cut out of magazines back in the 60’s; they hold good memories for me, so I’m so happy for you guys’ work! You did a fantastic job, keeping us in suspense with all the clues.
Oh, and I LOVE the ‘His Story’ emphasis. Really awesome detail. It’s so cool that you guys are using your talents to glorify God and add beauty to others’ lives.
God bless you!
Are you going to be selling them through Vision Forum?
oh – these are lovely! You have done a wonderful job and I know they will be a wonderful resource for many girls! What a blessing you ladies are!
oh, wow!!! Congratulations on getting it done – you had us hooked and the result is simply amazing!! Well done!
Love Jessica
I am SO happy to see these! I love paper dolls and look forward to sharing them with my girls :)
I posted this link on Twitter!
wow! that is so neat!
What an undertaking! I’m so very impressed by you two!
That is just the cutest thing!!!!
That is totally the bees knees! (Great Gatsby, anyone?)
My sister would lovee those!!!
Hello Emily Rose!
One more thing I forgot to add…
A lot of the afternoons at lunch our family has been discussing the “latest clue on SimplyVintageGirl” and lots of “What could it be?” We’ve had lots of guesses…but I was excited to share that the project was finally announced! We were all excited to see what it was! :)
Joyfully in Jesus,
These are just the cutest things I have ever seen!!! You did the most wonderful job! We love the American Revolution so my favorite is the collection two!
They’re so gorgeous, and I’m so looking forward to seeing them in my mailbox next month!! You two are so talented. :)
Thanks once again,
I love this! I am a huge paperdoll fan and have tons of them from growing up that I still keep to look at from time to time.
You two are so talented!
I have no girls all boys (5) but I cant wait for these to be avaliable so I can order some for my future grandbabies!!
Dearest Ladies,
I LOVE this…. *happy sigh*
I can think of so many young
ladies who would benefit from these
darling paper dolls…who represent
godly women of the past… beautiful
hospitality, femininity and modesty!
This is SO wonderful… thank you
dearest friends for ministering to other
young women with your gifts!
Love Your Sister in Christ~ Jen
Proverbs 31:30
I couldn’t guess what you girls were working on but I knew it would be good. I LOVE these! They are beautiful! I collected paper dolls as a girl (I still have them) and my daughter is starting to get interested in them too. I’m going to LOVE showing these to her! The paper dolls I made years ago are no where near as pretty as yours! Great work!
As a mother of two young daughters, I am thrilled at this alternative to the bombarding society of ‘princesses’ in our culture that so often leave much to be desired in the areas of character, dress, etc.
Beautiful, Emily!!
The design is amazing, love the colors and layout.
You both did a wonderful job, I can’t wait to see the website!!
What a wonderful project, Emily and Breezy! You did a wonderful job, I’m sure it took a lot of hard work…beautiful.
I’m praying you’ll get lots of buyers! A very worthy product. :)
Oh my goodness – how wonderful!! And what a lovely project to work on as sisters! Laura and I may be tugging your sleeve one day for tips on how you did it. :)
These are SO neat!!!!!
I adore paper dolls~ and these are gorgeous! Can’t wait till they are available! :D w00t! You go you wonderful creative girls!
Girls! I am in love with these paperdolls! They are simply GORGEOUS. I think I’ll have to have atleast one of each set. I don’t play with paperdolls anymore, but I think these would be a perfect addition to my hope chest, and Lord willing – one day I can pass them on to my daughters. That is, if I can bear to actually cut them!
Thank you for being such a sweet blessing and inspiration for Christian young ladies.
Love in Christ,
Hello Emily Rose!
I just can’t believe how delightful that the paper dolls are!
You girls have done such a fantastic job with them. I hope you will be richly blessed in this new endeavor.
I’m excited to see what the next step is for these lovely dolls.
~ Tarissa
That is so very exciting. I know my 10 year old would like these very much. May God bless your efforts!
I *love* them!! :) They look so nice!
Ooooo….I think I know a couple of Christmas presents!! Woo hoo!
Very lovely, Emily Rose! I would have never guessed it ~I loved paper dolls when I was a little girl, but I never had any as meaningful as these. =) What a neat idea!