7 June 2010

Vintage Lollie Supplies

A little over thirteen years ago, the Lord gave my mother the vision of homeschooling. As she shared about it with my father, God laid it on both of their hearts. There wasn’t a choice.

And here we are. Thirteen years later.

My gratefulness to God and to my parents can never be fully expressed. Because of being educated at home, Breezy and I were able to be raised with a biblical worldview and Christ-centered education.

The precious parents my Lord has blessed me with, by God’s grace, were able to follow the commands in Deuteronomy 6:5-7, which says,

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart
and with all your soul and with all your might.
These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart.
You shall teach them diligently to your sons and
shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when
you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up.

Vintage Lollies

Although my “official” home education is over, my education will never be complete . . . because I’ll always be learning. Always be watching. Always be reading.

I like it that way. And I’m thankful to have had instilled in me the love of learning.

P.S. The photos are of crinkled, vintage dictionary pages, which will be a part of the decorations for my upcoming graduation open house.

  1. 26 Responses to “The past thirteen years.”

  2. Sereina on Jun 7, 2010 said:

    I too, have been blessed to be homeschooled. And I’m very glad to be. :)

  3. Kristin on Jun 7, 2010 said:

    Congratulations on your homeschooling graduation! I was homeschooled only in high school (I wish we had known more about it before then so I could have been homeschooled all along) and graduated last spring. I think that’s one of the special things about homeschoolers: we tend to be lifelong learners.


  4. Joseph Hope on Jun 7, 2010 said:

    Nice Post Emily. Congratulations on graduating! I know what you mean when you say “my education will never be complete”. In fact, I felt when I was “done” my education was only the beginning in a way.

    Anyway, An amazing fact is, our parents had the same vision 13 years ago as well. It also happened the same way with my Mom first sharing it with my Dad! I thought that coincidence was too cool not to share.

    God bless you and yours,

  5. Breezy on Jun 7, 2010 said:

    It’s been a wonderful adventure, hasn’t it dear sister? I’m so glad God has orchestrated everything the way He has—living with my family, homeschooling, and growing together have been such tremendous blessings in my life. May God continue to teach you and draw you ever closer to Him!

    Love always,
    ♥ your sissy

  6. Hannah Braboy on Jun 7, 2010 said:

    Congratulations Emily Rose!

  7. Laura on Jun 7, 2010 said:

    I love EVERYTHING about this post!!

  8. Sarah Mae on Jun 7, 2010 said:

    Congrats sweet Emily Rose! I wish I could be there with your family to celebrate!

    You are an inspiration to our family!

  9. Elizabeth on Jun 7, 2010 said:

    congrats graduate! Can you take some pictures of the decor when you have your party? (only if you have time!) I want to see how they are used!

  10. Rebecca on Jun 8, 2010 said:

    Many congratulations on a job well done! I must say, you have discovered the SECRET~ the secret to success and fulfillment:

    There is a lifetime of learning ahead for you. The most wonderful kind, in fact.

    Happy graduatioN!

  11. Anna on Jun 8, 2010 said:

    Congratulations! What an exciting accomplishment. I look forward to hearing about your continued pursuits as a stay-at-home daughter.
    I am a homeschool graduate too, and so blessed to be one. I can’t wait to start homeschooling my son. :-)

  12. Victoria / Justice Pirate on Jun 8, 2010 said:

    I hope I can have the ability to do what you have done. I am nervous about teaching because I was not the best student growing up and didn’t go to college, but homeschooling and bringing up my children in the Word is so important to me. Thanks for inspiring me to have courage.

  13. Elizabeth on Jun 8, 2010 said:

    Congrats, Emily Rose!
    I look forward to seeing how the Lord continues to bless you! I would be delighted to see photos from your graduation open house, as well! :)

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts once again, dear friend! They are truly a blessing to me to see an example of a stay-at-home-daughter!

    Joyfully in Jesus,

  14. Katie M on Jun 8, 2010 said:

    Congratulations Emily Rose!! When I graduated, my family had a private graduation ceremony where several different men from our church stood up and discussed different topics on virtuous womanhood, and my father spoke about my decision to be a stay at home daughter. Graduation ceremonies today are so “me-focused”, it was such a blessing to have a graduation that brought glory to the Lord! It also allowed us to share the gospel with many extended family members and friends who are unregenerated.

    All this to say, congratulations Emily Rose!! And I know that your graduation will bring glory to God as you celebrate. :-) Being homeschooled (and being a homeschool graduate!) is truly a wonderful blessing.

    -Katie :-)

  15. Miss Eyebright on Jun 8, 2010 said:

    Dearest Emily Rose, How exciting that you and your family have reached this meaningful milestone! I, too, know the blessing of having been raised and schooled and home, and I think it is wonderful that I am not the only person who appreciates it fully. Congratulations!

    ~Miss Eyebright

  16. Miss. Antoinette on Jun 8, 2010 said:

    Congratulations! We are so blessed to have been able to live and grow in Christian homes with parents who had a vision for home educating us and I am so thankful to my parents as well for homeschooling me, and I cannot wait to one day teach my children in my future home (Lord willing)!

    Thanks for sharing your wonderful news, oh and I would LOVE to see photos of the open house!

    Blessings in Christ,

    Miss Antoinette

  17. Hannah on Jun 8, 2010 said:

    Congratulations, sweet lady! Praise God for your life and all the lives that you have, and will touch.

    Blessings to you!

  18. Jessica on Jun 8, 2010 said:

    Congratulations Emily! You are an amazing woman, with a love for God, displayed so confidently but gently in your blog. I love being around you (your blog anyway!)!

    God bless!

  19. Jayne on Jun 10, 2010 said:

    Congratulations on your graduation! I was homeschooled for my upper grades, and just now finished a year of teaching 8 students! Whew! I Love being able to teach life lessons as well as book work. :)
    The decorations look fabulous!
    Thanks for sharing! :)

  20. Tammy on Jun 10, 2010 said:

    Congrats! I love reading your blog. What a blessing you must be to your family.

  21. Eden on Jun 11, 2010 said:

    Congratulations, Emily! I just stumbled across your blog while doing some blog-hopping. :-) I love your blog and enjoy reading your posts. You take great photos and I love your blog design! I’m also homeschooled and will be graduating at the end of this year when I take the GED test. It’s been such a blessing to have Godly, committed parents to give me and my siblings a Christian education! Best wishes at your graduation party and I look forward to reading your posts! Hope you have a blessed day!

  22. Rhonda Devine on Jun 14, 2010 said:

    Congratulations, Emily Rose~you are so creative:) Love those little decorations you are making~maybe bring one with you when you visit–I’d love to see one since we weren’t able to join you for your celebration.

  23. Miss Jen on Jun 16, 2010 said:


    Congratulations, dear Emily!
    May the Lord richly bless you!!! :)

    Love~ Miss Jen

  24. Jessica on Jun 16, 2010 said:

    Congratulations Emily! I *love* your decorations…you girls always are making such pretty little things :D

    Love and hugs!


  25. Amber on Jun 17, 2010 said:

    I found your blog today and I must say that I find you (and your photography) quite inspiring! I’m a new follower. :)

  26. Alannah Renee on Jun 19, 2010 said:

    Hi Emily Rose! Congratulations on your graduation! I stumbled upon your blog somehow, but have been reading it for a while. I too, am homeschooled, and I’m a pastors daughter. I’m thinking about starting a blog soon, but I’m just wondering how you did yours. What server did you go through? Anyway, I love your posts and I can’t wait for more!

  27. Avinash on Jul 9, 2010 said:

    Hi Emily!
    Loved this post as well.
    Congratulations on your graduation.
    This is so heart filling and the pictures posted are very very nice.
    Keep writing.

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