13 September 2010


The potato found in the shape of a heart.

Warm coffee and refreshing iced coffee.

Beautiful colors for the covers of our upcoming products.


Boiling grapes to be turned into jelly.

A sleepy dog who can be very cuddly.

The recipe holder my dear mother made for me.

Lemon Scones

Lemon Scones made gluten-free. It was so nice to have scones again!

Fellowship with very precious friends.

A completed project sent to the printers . . . and a few more well on their way.

This is the day that the LORD has made;
let us rejoice and be glad in it.

—Psalm 118:24

  1. 13 Responses to “Sweet simplicities. Happy providences.”

  2. Livvy on Sep 13, 2010 said:

    What a sweet, pretty post Emily Rose! :) It brightened my day!

    Much love to you all,

    P.S. I can’t wait to see “the project” completed! :D

  3. KristiAna on Sep 13, 2010 said:

    I absolutely love your photographs! How neeat that the potato was in the shape of a heart. I will be posting some of my photos today. I wasn’t able to the other day due to problems with my computer. I would love to hear what you think.

    P.S. The scones are beautiful, will you post the recipe?

  4. Luci on Sep 13, 2010 said:

    That potato is just about the coolest thing ever. :) I love your pictures!


  5. Elizabeth on Sep 13, 2010 said:

    Hello Emily Rose!
    I love those simple, yet oh-so-special delights of day-to-day life! Thank you for sharing some of yours with me! :)
    The heart-shaped potato is amazing! What a delight to discover it! Those grapes look very yummy…as do those scones! :) Blessings, dear friend!

    Joyfully in Jesus,

  6. Vic and Ver on Sep 13, 2010 said:

    That potato is quite unusual. It’s great to enjoy the simple things.

  7. KristiAna on Sep 14, 2010 said:

    Here is the link for my post. http://januarylemongrass.blogspot.com/2010/09/flower.html
    Have a great day!

  8. Samantha on Sep 14, 2010 said:


  9. Annie on Sep 14, 2010 said:

    Emily Rose,
    What delicious-looking lemon scones! Are you going to share the recipe?
    I have a question…what do you use for the backdrop of your photo shoots when photographing small items? A sheet? Fabric? Poster board? I usually use natural settings (such as grass outside), but I would love to experiment indoors too! =)
    I can’t wait to hear what your special project is, although I do have a good idea. =)
    May the Lord bless you this day!
    In Christ’s love,

  10. Elaine on Sep 16, 2010 said:

    BEAUTIFUL pictures!!

  11. Rachel Crosswhite on Sep 19, 2010 said:

    Potato is cute :)

  12. Pauline Vane on Sep 20, 2010 said:


    Did you find that heart-shaped potato in your garden? What a cute picture! The scones or whatever they are make my mouth water!!! The grapes look like blueberries!! Whoever took those pics is a expert photographer. :)
    From a vintage-girl lover,

  13. Emily Rose on Sep 20, 2010 said:

    Pauline, thank you! I enjoyed taking the photographs, as food is my favorite thing to capture with the camera. The potato actually came from a store-bought bag of potatoes. I hope you’re having a lovely day! Blessings, Emily Rose

  14. Laura S. on Sep 23, 2010 said:

    Emily, I am just catching up on your last few posts (hurray, we have Internet in our home now!). You are wise to find joy in the small blessings and beauties of day to day living and you have captured them beautifully with your camera. Your fellowship is a great blessing to us, too. (And, if one makes one’s guests bring their own food AND clean up the kitchen afterward, it makes for very easy hospitality.) :-P

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