11 July 2011


It wasn’t the fireworks that lit up the sky that night, even though they could be seen above the horizon. No, that night there was a greater show, a mightier display. It was a display speaking loudly, declaring the glory of God.


It was a glorious sight to behold the strength of these bolts which lingered oh-so-briefly before our eyes, with nearly blinding shocks of light.

“His lightnings light up the world;
the earth sees and trembles.”

—Psalm 97:4

P.S. You can view a closer glimpse of the lightning bolts here.

  1. 24 Responses to “Silence, then a deep rumble.”

  2. Sarah on Jul 11, 2011 said:

    wow…that looks otherworldly!!

    in Christ,


  3. Julia on Jul 11, 2011 said:

    Wow. What incredible photos, Emily Rose! That’s amazing how one of the lightning bolts looks so purple in the first shot.

  4. Megan on Jul 11, 2011 said:

    Great photos, Emily Rose! You have a lovely blog. : )

  5. iknitandbead on Jul 11, 2011 said:

    Truly magnificent shots! Your post was a nice compliment to one I did yesterday…I linked to your post here: http://iknitandbead.blogspot.com/2011/07/follow-up-to-sunday-scenes-natures-own.html

  6. J.Crabbit on Jul 11, 2011 said:

    wow the pics are amazing, but the fact that you related them to a Bible verse it FANTASTIC!! thank you for sharing!

  7. Miss. Antoinette on Jul 11, 2011 said:

    WOW, that is AMAZING!!!! *gasp*

    Miss Antoinette

  8. Rebecca on Jul 11, 2011 said:

    Wow Emily. These are INCREDIBLE.

    Lightning is one of those evasive, taunting subjects of mine. I have YET to capture a good shot, though I try and try (and TRY.) Would you be willing to tell me what your settings were for these captures and how you were able to do it? I sure would love the info.

    Beautiful~ STUNNING. AND Breathtaking. All rolled up in one glorious package. Thank you for sharing!

    Rebecca (from Renaissance)

  9. Pauline on Jul 11, 2011 said:

    oh wow. That’s beautiful yet scary. And aweing.

  10. Miss Rachel P. on Jul 11, 2011 said:

    My goodness! :O I’ve never seen such lightening and clouds like that! God certainly can make things beautiful and show His glory in them! :D I couldn’t have said it better myself what you said in your post. And that verse is the perfect one to accompany these pictures. :) Thank you so much for the encouragement of seeing God’s creation and power in action! :D Breathtaking!

    Blessings, Love, and Hugs! :)

    P.S. – I think that’s amazing that you were able to get such wonderful shots of the lightening! Great job! ;)

  11. Ammaka on Jul 11, 2011 said:

    Awesome pictures! They send shivers through me!

    I just discovered your blog via a search for fabric flower tutorials, and I just adore your photography! I am a gluten-free, Christ-following artist as well! :o)

  12. Kimberly on Jul 11, 2011 said:

    Beautiful! What settings was your camera on? I LOVE storm photography, I always want to be outside when a storm’s brewing!

  13. Katrina on Jul 11, 2011 said:

    Love the pics! We had similar lightning storms here in the south yesterday.

  14. Christy C on Jul 11, 2011 said:

    Awesome! What a mighty God we serve! I enjoy your blog!

  15. Madison on Jul 11, 2011 said:

    That is simply amazing. Great shots!

  16. Katie on Jul 12, 2011 said:

    Here in Minnesota we also had a lovely lightning storm on the 4th. Definately beat the fireworks my neighbors were shooting off.

  17. Gabrielle Renee on Jul 12, 2011 said:

    Which night was this? Was it the Friday before the Fourth? I loved the lightning, but my camera can’t capture it… I LOVE your pictures!


  18. Rachel hope on Jul 12, 2011 said:

    wow fantastic photos. was this just a lightning storm ?

  19. Lucia on Jul 14, 2011 said:

    Wow. What beautiful photos! Miss Emily, your blog is so lovely…I am just in love with it. :o) Thank you so much for being another Light in the blogging world…it is so refreshing to see! <3

    Your sister in Christ,
    Lucia Marie


  20. Penni on Jul 15, 2011 said:

    Thank you for posting these. They are beautiful. Isn’t God’s power amazing and wonderful?

  21. McKenzie Elizabeth on Jul 15, 2011 said:

    Amazing pictures!

  22. Yana on Jul 18, 2011 said:

    Randomly discovered your blog today. Absolutely love these photos in particular. I’ve been waiting for a thunderstorm to take photos of :)

  23. Crista Moriah on Jul 28, 2011 said:

    It is so powerful to see the force of God’s creation in thunderstorms. When I was little, my dad used to tell me not to be afraid because storms were God’s way of washing the sky out…and I was comforted. :)

    Much <3 in Christ,

  24. Tarissa on Jul 28, 2011 said:

    Just found your photos of the lightening, and the storm. So beautiful! I enjoy storms like that myself, perhaps because it magnifies God’s wonderful, strong power for me.

    ~ Tarissa

  25. Claire on Sep 29, 2011 said:

    that’s awesome!!! ugh, it makes me miss the summer thunderstorms in colorado :( i live in LA now, but i don’t have anything city about me in the slightest bit

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