24 May 2012
This is Juliet. You might remember her from this post over a year ago.
She is a very good little friend of ours who is teaching us sign language (she’s still learning to speak in full sentences). Just last evening she was so happy that I learned the sign for “flower”, as she pointed at a flower and signed the word. She even congratulated me by giving me a hug and pat on the back when I correctly guessed what she was signing.
There’s nothing like her little girl squeals. Especially when it comes to asking her if she likes strawberries.
In the photo above, the breeze through the open window blew a small tuft of hair up. She, Breezy, and I had just been looking out the window to see what we could find.
“Praise the Lord!
Praise God in His sanctuary;
Praise Him in His mighty heavens!
Praise Him for His mighty deeds;
Praise Him according to His excellent greatness!”
—Psalm 150:1-2

She’s precious! Great Photographs. :)
What a sweetie!
She is so cute, and growing out of that baby stage, isn’t she?
Your captures are just lovely…full of life!