5 October 2009
Our paper dolls will be available starting this Wednesday (the 7th), but we’ll give you a sneak peak of our new website: www.NobleRosePress.com.
There will be a special introductory price October 7th through October 10th!
{In the meantime you can become a fan on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.}
Thank you so much for all of your support through this project – you all have been a great source of encouragement to us through your comments and emails!
“Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good;
For His lovingkindness is everlasting.”
Psalm 118:1

Hi Emily Rose!!
I can’t wait for the website to be up and running! The paper dolls are so lovely and elegant…beautiful job. They might be a good addition to my hope chest. ;)
God bless you!
What an absolutely beautiful job you did on the site, Emily!! :) It looks wonderful….and oh so feminine! :)
Keep up the great work, dear friend!
I wish you all the best on the 7th! This is just so exciting.
I just received the latest issue of The Girlhood Home Companion magazine today and was thrilled to find your beautiful Kindred Spirits: Anne and Diana, of Anne of Green Gables, paper dolls! I can’t wait to start reading the books to my daughters so they will understand how excited I am about Anne Shirley! They are so wonderful and I can imagine just how gorgeous your new line of paper dolls will be. Congratulations on such a wonderful new endeavor the Lord has blessed you with! He is good!
Oh my goodness….
how wonderful! :)
I can’t wait to check you
new website out… I am sure
it is simply fabulous!
Love Always~ Miss Jen
The website is beautiful, Emily Rose! This is so exciting for you and Breezy and I hope that the Lord blesses you abundantly.
Your friend,
Miss Eyebright
These paper-dolls are beautiful! And I would love to have you re-do my blog, Emily! :-)
I love them! :) Your new website is so wonderful too!
Hello Emily Rose!
Today is Wednesday and I was so excited! The website is amazing and I can tell you spent a lot of time working on it. What a blessing and encouragement! The sale looks great!
Wonderful job, Emily Rose and Breezy! Blessings!
Joyfully in Jesus,
I placed my order! ;) I can’t wait to get them in the mail; what a wonderful addition they will be to my hopechest!
I hope the sale is going great so far! The site looks amazing, Emily, and so professional!! :) I really love the blog on there, too, and the quotes were so encouraging and convicting at the same time!
Have a wonderful day, dear!
The farmegirls is haveing their 5th give-a-way!
go and see it is a dish cloth :-)
How perfectly lovely! *sigh* The website looks very wonderful…so feminine and elegant. :) Thanks!
Lovely web-site, and the dolls are charming! I’m sure any girl would love to play with them. :)
What an inspiration you are! I just put in an order today. My 12 year old daughter has been asking me to for weeks. I read that you put out Anne and Diana paper dolls as well…how may I purchase them?
Your blogsite is beautiful. Lovely. Uplifting. Joyful.
Thank you for it.
Hi Emily!!! I’ve been following your blog for a while now and just had to comment on these BEAUTIFUL dolls!!!!! They are so lovely, feminine, elegant, graceful, and just downright GORGEOUS! Its soooo hard to find dolls like these now days! All you can find are sleazy Barbie and Bratz dolls and there are NO way I’d let those get into the hands of my little sisters!!
I’m 17 and have 2 little sisters that would LOVE these! I’ll be sending your website out to my all my friends!!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, for providing people with these beautiful, godly little ladies!
In HIS Love,