Your pictures are beautiful! What kind of plants are those? I love plants and flowers, and I thought those kind of looked liked Hyacinth, but wasn’t sure!
Shelby, thank you! Yes – a very good guess – they are Hyacinths. They were a gift from a friend last year and the Hyacinths have happily popped their heads up again. Blessings, Emily Rose
I was looking for ideas for my crochet lariats….some new types of flowers, perhaps. After some discouraging sites last night, this morning I was elated to happen upon yours. :) quite providential I must say! Thank you for the flower tutorial, (totally trying that today) but more importantly, for your testimony. To be loved by a Saviour such as ours is a miracle in itself and I thank you for exalting Him. Sadly, it’s becoming a rarity. “Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. Selah.” Psalm 68:19 (KJV)
Breathtaking! Simply stunning.
Hi Emily Rose!
Your pictures are beautiful! What kind of plants are those? I love plants and flowers, and I thought those kind of looked liked Hyacinth, but wasn’t sure!
I love life
Amazing! I love pictures of nature in the process of growing! I’m a recent follower of yours and have really enjoyed your blog!
Shelby, thank you! Yes – a very good guess – they are Hyacinths. They were a gift from a friend last year and the Hyacinths have happily popped their heads up again. Blessings, Emily Rose
Who would’ve thought that something as simple as those plants would be so beautiful?! Great pictures!
I was looking for ideas for my crochet lariats….some new types of flowers, perhaps. After some discouraging sites last night, this morning I was elated to happen upon yours. :) quite providential I must say! Thank you for the flower tutorial, (totally trying that today) but more importantly, for your testimony. To be loved by a Saviour such as ours is a miracle in itself and I thank you for exalting Him. Sadly, it’s becoming a rarity. “Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. Selah.” Psalm 68:19 (KJV)
awesome pictures. God’s creation is indeed marvelous and wonderful! Thanks for sharing these pictures!
Beautiful, Emily! Your photography is such an inspiration!