8 June 2011

Falling from the roof.

To let go and trustwillingly, without a fight.

There is a peace that comes with trusting in the One who “knows all things” (1 John 3:20).

When I’m completely submitted to the Lord’s will and purpose, the “peace of God, which surpasses all understanding” (Phil. 4:7) covers me and I’m engulfed in joyously watching the Lord’s hand at work.

Yet too often I try to control a situation, wanting my way in my timing. I am left anxiously worrying about whether or not things will happen according to my plan instead of soaking in the rich mercies and blessings of my Savior in His timing. And, before long, I’m exasperated.

The entirety of every situation is in God’s hands, no matter what I try to do. It’s when I, in foolishness, pretend that I can “handle” things that I’m lead to anxiety and worry.


Wholeheartedly in every circumstance I must, by the grace of God, trust and say,

“Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” (Matthew 6:10)

I know that His will is perfect, His grace sufficient, His peace surpasses all understanding. This is a thought too wonderful for me, but I know I must hold fast to it and trust.

“How wise should we be if, with joyful certainty, we accepted each unfolding of His will as a proof of His faithfulness and love!”
—Susannah Spurgeon

  1. 16 Responses to “Joyful Certainty”

  2. Christiana Kendall on Jun 8, 2011 said:

    Beautiful my friend! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Shelby on Jun 8, 2011 said:

    Amen! the Susannah Spurgeon quote sums it up beautifully!

  4. Miss. Antoinette on Jun 8, 2011 said:

    Just what I needed today dear! Thanks ever so much for sharing! <3


    Miss Antoinette

  5. Pauline on Jun 8, 2011 said:

    After reading it gives you a happy and peaceful feeling! I needed that. Thanks a lot for inspiring me.

    A horse fan,


  6. Donna Konvalin on Jun 8, 2011 said:

    Thank you for sharing what the Lord laid on your heart, Emily. I needed this today as it has been a rough week. I am printing this and carrying it with me today. (((hugs))) Give your mom and sister hugs for me too.

    In Him~

  7. sarah on Jun 8, 2011 said:

    well said. simple. succinct. powerful

    sarah from profilesofapapergirl.blogspot.com

  8. Megan Petersen on Jun 8, 2011 said:

    Dear Emily,

    Thank you for this! I was greatly encouraged. This is so true for all of us. We want to have control over our lives and our circumstances yet Scripture is replete with God’s Sovereignty over all. May He enable us to submit fully unto His perfect will.

    Thank you again for this. It was greatly needed!

    Coram Deo – before the face of God,


  9. Kristiana on Jun 8, 2011 said:

    Thanks for sharing this encouraging post Emily Rose. It is such a good reminder that as much as we want things to come in our timing we have to wait for His ultimate and perfect timing. Such a blessing, thank you!

    In Him,

  10. Jessica on Jun 8, 2011 said:

    Wonderfully said. This is something I feel God is teaching me. It came at a perfect time. Thank you Emily. And thanks to God, Who gave it to you.

  11. Shelly Larson on Jun 8, 2011 said:

    I loved it!


  12. Jenna K. on Jun 8, 2011 said:

    Lovely words and pictures! (:

  13. Elena Marques on Jun 9, 2011 said:

    These are excellent thoughts, Emily Rose!

    Thanks for sharing them and the peaceful photos. :)

  14. caleisha on Jun 11, 2011 said:

    I just started reading your blog & I think its wonderful that you use so much scripture. I really appreciate this particular post. I have been going through a lot of changes & the fact that God is in control of everything has to be kept in mind. Submitting to God’s timing is surely a practice we all need, especially me. Thanks again.

  15. Kristiana on Jun 11, 2011 said:

    P.S. Love your new picture! You look beautiful! Your eyes are a gorgeous color. Blessings!

  16. No. 17 Cherry Tree Lane on Jun 20, 2011 said:

    Thank you so much.

  17. Keisha Brown on Jun 28, 2011 said:


    What a beautiful blog! Think I found a treasure. :)

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