28 May 2010

Old Bricks

My deepest apologies . . . if you have left me a comment and it did not appear on my blog.

If that happened, most likely I never even had the opportunity to read it. It seems that my spam-blocker has pretended that several (if not many) of your comments were spam. Of course they were not, but sometimes technology just doesn’t understand the difference.

Therefore, comments have disappeared as “spam” which were in all reality kind, encouraging comments from you, my dear readers. Hopefully this will clear up in the future (and I’ll do my best to keep it from happening again), but the ones blocked in the past are irretrievable.

Please do not think that I would take any of your sweet words for granted. I don’t.

Thank you for understanding!

P.S. The tutorial for the lovely fabric flowers should be up this weekend!

  1. 5 Responses to “I may have missed your knock on the door.”

  2. Hannah on May 28, 2010 said:

    I’m so sorry that the comments didn’t show up! That must have been frustrating. But don’t worry, I’m sure we’ll fill up your lovely site with some more to replace them! :-)

    Blessings, sweet lady,

  3. Amy on May 29, 2010 said:

    I can’t wait for the tutorial! Also, can you give me the pattern number for that wonderful bag you made? Thanks!

  4. Emily Rose on May 29, 2010 said:

    Amy, thank you! The tutorial should be up in just a little while. Also, I designed the pattern for the bag, so I don’t really have a number to give you. I’m not sure if I will have time to make the pattern available, but thank you for asking! Blessings, Emily Rose

  5. Amy on May 29, 2010 said:

    Oh wow, you designed the pattern yourself??? You sure are talented!

  6. Jayne on Jun 4, 2010 said:

    and i just thought you hated us! ::wink::
    Really, I’m glad you got it figured out! Thanks!

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