18 January 2011
Yes, it is true. The Lord, my great Savior Jesus Christ saved me last month, December 2010.
How thankful and grateful I am for the boldness and humility of a friend in sharing his testimony. The Lord used that in my life as one of the final breaking points of my conversion.
Yes, I did believe myself to be a Christian beforehand. Yet the course of my life I would describe now as three years ignorant; thirteen years in false assurance; a year and a half in miserable uncertainty; and then a day that changed every day, month, and year that would follow.
God showed me through the wonderful passage in Romans 2 that I had spent my life as a “self-seeker,” (Romans 2:8) following me. He showed me my utter brokenness and helplessness before Him. He showed me that my faith up until that time was inadequate—a relying on my own faith and ability to trust, not on the Lord and His strength.
It was painful. But, my friends, “joy comes in the morning.” (Psalm 30:5) Never before had I rejoiced as I did that day. Never before had I understood true peace, true joy, true love. That Someone had laid down His life . . . for me.
Me. The one who is a sinner, the one who was self-seeking, the one who resisted Him.
Undeserving me.
But that, in itself, is one of the beauties of Christ’s love. He takes the weak and makes them strong. He takes the proud and makes them humble. He takes the clay, He molds the clay.
“For if we have become united with Him in the likeness of His death, certainly we shall also be in the likeness of His resurrection, knowing this, that our old self was crucified with Him, in order that our body of sin might be done away with, so that we would no longer be slaves to sin; for he who has died is freed from sin.” —Romans 6:5-7 [emphasis added]
I lay this before your feet, dear ones, desiring the Lord to use my story for His glory and the furtherance of His Kingdom. My pride got in the way from seeing what I truly was. But He changed me.
I beseech you, friends, to work out your salvation with fear and with trembling. (Philippians 2:12-13)
Isn’t He wonderful! He pursues us and makes us His own. I am rejoicing with you dear sister. Thank you for being bold and sharing your salvation story with the rest of us. I believe it is a powerful testimony and will lead others to the ONLY way to God the Father through His son Jesus.
Hi Emily,
I came across your vintage flower post this morning and have happily made my first one. (They are so easy and beautiful!) Then as I checked out your Facebook page I saw this post. What a wonderful joy that your dear friend had the boldness and courage to share Christ’s grace and freedom with you. May He continue to lead you discover His beauty and reveal His beauty to others- for His glory.
A sister in Christ in Paris.
Congratulations sister in Christ! What a brave and beautiful post!
Please feel free to stop by: Trailing After God
Congratulations! I’m so happy for you! It scared me a minute when I saw the title,”I died last month”
I guess you did !
This is beautiful and inspiring. Thank You for sharing this and Thank The Lord for letting me come across your blog!
I have a similar testimony, Emily Rose. False assurance…guilt…confusion…darkness…and then finally, the blessed truth that Jesus died to save ME, a lost hopeless sinner. Such joy and peace.
Rejoicing with you!
Hi, Emily Rose.
My mom recommended your blog to me a few days ago; this is my first time reading it, actually. I found this post to be very similar to my own story. For many years, I thought I was saved, but in the past few, I’ve gone through spiritual turmoil. It was last year when God got a hold of me and made me realize that I was a self-righteous fake; He showed me the meaning of grace and led me to finally unveil myself before Him, admitting to being a sinner in need of HIS saving. I’m so thankful that God showed you your need for Him as He did for me. It’s so amazing to see how merciful and powerful Jesus is and the changes He can make in people! May God fill your years with everlasting joy, sister in Christ :)
PTL! I have checked your blog a couple of times recently and love your art work. I am also a water color artist and have been painting since I was in high school. (I am old, 38! :)
The Lord has given you this talent, and now you can fully use it to His glory!
Mrs. Sarah Beals
How awesome to come across this posting! What a blessing to read! Thank you so much for sharing your own testimony with the world! May the Holy Spirit do much work in you! From a fellow sister in Christ! Bless you!