4 November 2010


What is your focus? What are your goals? What do you wish to accomplish? What do you have on this earth? Where does your hope lie?

These are questions that we must ask ourselves . . .

. . . and answer in the light of God’s Word.

It is only when we understand that all is His and all is by His grace; only when we love Him more than anything; only when Christ is at the center of our all, can we truly say,

Whom have I, but you?”


Nevertheless, I am continually with you;
You hold my right hand.

You guide me with Your counsel,
And afterward You will receive me to glory.

Whom have I in heaven but You?
And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides You.

My flesh and my heart may fail,
But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

—Psalm 73:23-26 {emphasis added}

  1. 26 Responses to “Focus”

  2. Allie on Nov 4, 2010 said:

    Thank you for this! :) I love that psalm. Thanks for reminding me to consider my goals, focus, and things I want to accomplish – in light of Him, always!


  3. Jenna on Nov 4, 2010 said:

    What a blessing it is to know that God is our strength and King. He is the true supporter and majestic Savior.

    Many Blessings,

  4. Hannah Mendenhall on Nov 4, 2010 said:

    Hello dear Emily!

    We should ask ourselves these questions everyday. Every moment of everyday. In order to not ruin what is perfect, I will simply say this: Matthew 22:37-40 and Ecclesiastes 12:13.


  5. Katie M on Nov 4, 2010 said:

    Beautiful! Both the pictures and the words. Just breath-taking.

  6. Miss Rachel P. on Nov 5, 2010 said:

    So true Emily Rose! :D I have that Psalm posted right on my computer screen to remind me of all those things. :) It’s a wonderful verse to challenge, encourage, and comfort one isn’t it? :) Thank you for your inspiring words and encouragement today Emily…it was refreshing and I needed that. :)

    Beautiful pictures!

    Love, Hugs, and Blessings!

    P.S. ~ As a side note, I was wondering if you would be doing your homemade Christmas again this year. ;) I really enjoyed it previously…so was just wondering if you knew if you’d be doing it again this year or not yet. :)

  7. Kate on Nov 5, 2010 said:

    Psalm 73:26 has become one of Scripture’s most precious verses to me; thank you so much for reminding me of it this morning! (Looking forward to seeing you soon!!)

  8. Rachel Crosswhite on Nov 5, 2010 said:

    Something to think about… what really is MY goal in life?

    Thank you for sharing,


  9. Ëarwen on Nov 5, 2010 said:

    Hey, Emily!! It’s been FOREVER since I spoke to you – can you believe it’s been a year and a half since we met at the father-daughter retreat??
    Your blog is beautiful, and so was this post. Thanks so much!
    ~ Ëarwen

  10. Nicole Egerer on Nov 5, 2010 said:

    This is a beautiful illustration for us! Thank you! God’s word is so amazing and just tells it like it is. We NEED Him and it’s a beautiful thing!

    Kind Regards,

  11. Diana Queen on Nov 5, 2010 said:

    Beautiful! Thank you for such a lovely post today! ;D

  12. Miss. Antoinette on Nov 5, 2010 said:

    What a timely post Emily! our family has been in this mindset this week as far as our move and situation with our grandparents!
    I will be e-mailing your sister soon and it will explain more, but we are transitioning a bit…….well, maybe allot! :)

    Thanks for the encouraging verse and lovely photos!

    Much love and blessings,

    Miss Antoinette

  13. Kristiana on Nov 5, 2010 said:

    What a sweet and thoughtful post. We really must ask ourselves these questions. I’m so glad that He is the wise one and that He holds our hand.
    Thank you and blessings,

    P.S. Do you live on a farm?

  14. Shutterbug on Nov 5, 2010 said:

    Amen! Thank you for the encouragement. :)
    Love you,
    Marie :)

  15. Elizabeth on Nov 5, 2010 said:

    Good things to keep in mind, my sweet friend! It is so wonderful to strive to keep our focus on the Lord!

    Joyfully in Jesus,
    P.S. *Love* your new profile photo! Love the sunflare that Lauren captured!

  16. Jayde on Nov 5, 2010 said:

    I really enjoyed reading your post today. You have a beautiful blog.
    I am just starting a blog-www.fashionfencingfriends.blogspot.com, hope you visit me sometime.

  17. Madeline on Nov 6, 2010 said:

    Emily, Thank you for the very inspiring post. Beautiful pictures!

  18. Rachel on Nov 6, 2010 said:

    Lovely post and pictures. Emily.
    God bless,

  19. Sara B on Nov 7, 2010 said:

    I love this post. :) Thank you!

  20. Hollie on Nov 8, 2010 said:

    Lovely – the pictures and the thoughts/verses.

  21. Pauline Vane on Nov 8, 2010 said:

    This is definitely one of my favorite posts: Focus. It makes me wonder what God has in store for me in the future, and what is my utmost focus, if it’s good or bad.
    I love your new picture!

  22. Jamie Robinson on Nov 9, 2010 said:

    So beautiful! Thanks for sharing!

  23. Bria on Nov 10, 2010 said:

    What lovely words. I absolutely love your blog! Beautiful photography as well. You can be assured I’ll be back!

    Psst, giveaway at my book review blog!

  24. Sarah Lee on Nov 10, 2010 said:

    The photos are such a wonderful visual “picture” of your message of focusing on Christ. Thank you for sharing.

  25. Jamie (Pursuing the Old Paths) on Nov 21, 2010 said:

    Hi Emily,

    I wrote a post on my blog last night talking about contentment and how all we ever really need to be content is God. I too used Psalms 73 but just verses 25-26.

    Here is the link if you would like to read it. http://pursuingtheoldpaths.blogspot.com/2010/11/if-only.html

    I am really enjoying your blog tonight.


  26. Jayne on Dec 7, 2010 said:

    Love your new profile photo! Are you teaching Breezy a few things? Or did someone else take it? The lens flare is great!

    Thanks for sharing!

  27. Emily Rose on Dec 7, 2010 said:

    Jayne, thank you! Yes, I have been able to share some tips about photography with Breezy, but my profile picture was actually taken by my dear friend Lauren who blogs at A Corner Pillar. Blessings, Emily Rose

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