10 March 2010

The sun was shining and the day looked promising. A little girl was gladdened to find that the weather had warmed. The earth seemed refreshed to see the sun’s shining face again, in hopes that new life would begin springing from it’s soil.

A bright and cheery day it was, and so out the little girl went in search of something very, very special.

It was a bit like an adventure, searching here and there for the treasure. A treasure that when found, would bring a bright smile to her face. A treasure that gave hope for a lovelier tomorrow.

Exploring she went, looking high and low. But she could not find what she so eagerly sought.

Just as she began to think that she just might have to wait another day before finding what she sought, out of the corner of her eye she spotted a tiny patch of green.

She hurried over to where the long-searched for treasure was. That little patch of green brought a bright and beautiful smile to her face.

The happy beam of sunshine that shone through those little green stubs made her think about the flowers that would one day bloom, giving her happiness in knowing that Spring was truly on its way.

Nothing said Spring quite as well as the little green knobs which peaked up from the leaf-covered soil.

Finding that little bit of new life was worth the searching and worth the wait . . .
. . . and because of all the waiting and searching, the finding was all the more sweet.

  1. 17 Responses to “Finding Life.”

  2. Livvy Powers on Mar 10, 2010 said:

    Beautiful Emily! I’m looking forward to Spring so much! This winter was mostly cold and rainy, so bright green Spring will be like a breath of fresh air!

    I hope you and your family are doing well!

    With much love,

  3. Kate on Mar 10, 2010 said:

    I guess that’s why March always makes me think green is my favorite color all of the sudden. :) What a refreshing sight! Now I’m counting down the days until I can go violet hunting… Thanks for sharing your first little bit of Spring!!

  4. Gabrielle Renee on Mar 10, 2010 said:

    Lovely pictures! I was so thrilled to be able to go outside and sit today. I am glad spring is coming. :)

    In Christ,

  5. Emily Ruth on Mar 10, 2010 said:

    Lol! no winter here! :P
    Love it Emily!!

  6. Jenna on Mar 10, 2010 said:

    Beautiful words, Emily! Thank you for sharing. You have a true talent for writing and photography.
    I am so excited that Spring is approaching! Today, we went for a walk… The sun was out and the flowers were bloomed. It was oh so lovely!
    Also, thank you for the sweet comment! You are a wonderful young lady, Emily! Keep up the great work!

    Your Sister In Christ,

  7. Miss. Antoinette on Mar 10, 2010 said:

    Very sweet post! Yes, I can see signs of spring too, and I am so happy and excited! YAY!!!


    Miss Antoinette

  8. Ruth Ann on Mar 10, 2010 said:

    I love this! The words and the photos combine to make a beautiful story. =) Thank you for sharing this beauty with us!

  9. Sara on Mar 11, 2010 said:

    Amen! :)

  10. ~Erin Taylor on Mar 11, 2010 said:

    I love those they are so pretty!

  11. Elizabeth on Mar 11, 2010 said:

    Beautiful photography, Emily Rose!
    Joyfully in Jesus,

  12. Esther on Mar 11, 2010 said:

    Lovely photos! I’m so glad the weather is getting warmer and the grass is starting to get greener. Can’t wait for spring. :)


  13. Annie on Mar 11, 2010 said:

    Lovely photos, as always, Emily Rose! :) I also am so excited that all this snow is finally melting and that the smell of spring is in the air!
    In Christ alone,
    Psalm 37:4

  14. Grace on Mar 11, 2010 said:

    Wonderful, Emily! I always enjoy your photography.
    In Christ,
    P.S. I love your blog!

  15. Eyebright on Mar 12, 2010 said:

    Lovely! I can’t wait for spring!

  16. Deb on Mar 16, 2010 said:

    Your posts always inspire me so much and this one is just as promsing. I think I’ll go out today and find a little life!

    Sending good cheer!

  17. Samantha on Mar 17, 2010 said:

    Beautiful Emily!

    I wish we knew for sure if Spring was really here in WI. We’ve had BEAUTIFUL weather for the past couple days. Like in the 60’s!! We were eating lunch outside and going for walks and totally enjoying the sunshine. Now we’re supposed to get 7 inches of snow this weekend. :( I wish spring would hurry up and stay here for good! LOL

  18. Rhonda Devine on Mar 21, 2010 said:

    Isn’t it a wonderful ritual to go out in the early Spring and find those green signs of life? I’m so thankful God has given us seasons, aren’t you?

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