2 February 2013
The final two installments of our Fruit of the Spirit PDF Embroidery Patterns are here – and you can download them for free through February 8th!
Click here to download the Gentleness PDF Embroidery Pattern
by Clementine Pattern Co.
(For personal use only. This PDF pattern download is available for free through February 8th. After that, it’ll be headed to the shop!)
Click here to download the Self-control PDF Embroidery Pattern
by Clementine Pattern Co.
(For personal use only. This PDF pattern download is available for free through February 8th. After that, it’ll be headed to the shop!)
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.”
—Galatians 5:22-24

9 December 2012
Thank you to all who entered the give-away this week for the Rejoice in the Lord Embroidery Kit by Clementine Pattern Co.! It was delightful to read all of your comments and learn about what you decorate your walls with. After using Random.org to pick the winner…
The winner of the Rejoice in the Lord Embroidery Kit is:
Melissa M!
Congratulations, Melissa! (I’ve sent you an email!)
As a thank you to all who entered who would still enjoy stitching one of our patterns: Use coupon code CELEBRATE20 at checkout to receive 20% off your entire order at Clementine Patterns! (Valid through December 10th)
And, as a gift, you can download two PDF embroidery patterns for FREE through December 20th! Our latest two Fruit of the Spirit PDF patterns are available:
Click Here to download our Goodness Embroidery Pattern PDF
Click Here to download our Faithfulness Embroidery Pattern PDF
(These free PDF embroidery patterns by Clementine Patterns are for your personal use only and are available as free downloads through December 20th.)

3 December 2012
Clementine Pattern Co. began just over a year ago. It has been a wonderful journey creating patterns, working on new product ideas, assembling orders, and shipping off packages to homes across the country and around the world!
With the Sew, Mama, Sew! Blog hosting Giveaway Day today, December 3rd, we’re giving away one of our best selling embroidery kits: Rejoice in the Lord.
Included in this kit is everything you need to complete the embroidery:
How to Enter:
Leave a comment below… and if you’d like, answer the question: What do you like to decorate your walls with?
For Extra Entries: (Be sure to leave a separate comment for each thing you do!)
- Subscribe to Updates
- Like on Facebook
- Follow on Pinterest
- Favorite Clementine Pattern Co. on Etsy
- Like Clementine Pattern Co. on Facebook
Give-away ends December 7th at midnight EST. Will ship internationally. Winner will be randomly selected, announced, and notified the following day.
P.S. Don’t want to wait? Use coupon code CELEBRATE20 at checkout to receive 20% off
your entire order at Clementine Patterns! (Valid through December 10th)

22 November 2012
Breezy drew this lettering based on Psalm 111:1 with chalk on a framed chalkboard.
In the kitchen, near The Thankful Tree.
“Praise the Lord!
I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart,
in the company of the upright, in the congregation.
Great are the works of the Lord,
studied by all who delight in them.
Full of splendor and majesty is His work,
and His righteousness endures forever.”
—Psalm 111:1-3
Have a most joyous and blessed Thanksgiving!
P.S. I would love to know what you are thankful for – feel free to share with me in a comment!

16 November 2012
Autumn is such a beautiful season – the colors, the weather, etc. More than that, though, it is beautiful to see people give thanks, counting how many ways God has blessed them. And for each and everyone of us living and breathing, that list is unending.
One way we display reminders to cultivate a thankful heart is with The Thankful Tree. This year instead of scrapbook paper we are using wooden chalkboard tags.
For assembling, all you need is:
• Sticks
• Wooden Chalkboard Tags (make your own with wood slices and chalk paint or buy them already made)
• Chalk (you can sharpen the chalk with a pencil sharpener)
• Scissors
• Glass Jar – gallon (shown) or half-gallon
• Assorted Nuts, for extra beauty
• Burlap and/or Ribbon, for extra beauty
• Thankful Heart (“I will give thanks to the LORD with my whole heart…”)
“Oh give thanks to the Lord; call upon His name;
make known His deeds among the peoples!
Sing to Him, sing praises to Him;
tell of all His wondrous works!”—1 Chronicles 16:8-9
Are you building a Thankful Tree this year? What blessings will you be etching on the ornaments?
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6 September 2012
The embroidery kits are up in the shop!
Everything you need to complete one of our patterns, gathered and packaged with love:

22 August 2012
We had a wonderful time designing and assembling embroidery kits for a wholesale order this past week. Now, we’ll be assembling embroidery kits for the shop!
Look for them in the shop on September 1st!

1 August 2012
This month’s free embroidery pattern from Clementine Patterns features several delightful graphics for Kindness. Download the PDF pattern for free and embroider your own version! (For personal use only. This PDF pattern download is available for free through August 10th.) UPDATE: Now available here!
“But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, gentleness and self-control; against such things there is no law.”
—Galatians 5:22-23
Don’t miss out on next month’s free embroidery pattern…
you can subscribe here to be notified when it’s released!

11 July 2012
My sister is an artist. Her artwork is beautiful, wholesome, and truly delightful. Each piece tells a story, a story of adventure, joy, faithfulness, discovery, friendship, work, love, childhood, etc.
Last week, I had the great pleasure of setting up her online portfolio…
And now you can easily enjoy a closer look at her illustrations and sketchbook!
It has been such a blessing to watch her cultivate this gift, and develop an amazing God-given talent… but the best part is how she seeks to honor the Lord through the work of her hands.
You can visit her online portfolio at BreezyTulip.com!