13 December 2008
My Auntie Lou posted a picture of this sunset from her home. I thought I would post a couple photos of the same sunset, just from our home.
This is through the window of our backdoor. I really liked the wet glass effect.
This is a combination of five different photographs to get the above wide angle shot. I also did one of the complete sunset, but I think I’ll just let you imagine what the other side looked like!
“The heavens declare His righteousness,
And all the peoples have seen His glory.” – Psalm 97:6

Those are simply striking, Miss Emily! Did you combine the one with Photoshop?
Breathtakingly beautiful! You did a wonderful job of capturing the Lord’s artwork.
Beautiful, Miss Emily! That *has* to be the work of God! lol we sure couldn’t make something so beautiful and stunning. That is one of my favourite verses to read.
About the time period of my journal girl, it’s set in the year 2000. :) The date is next to the “Dear Journal -” line.
Glad you enjoyed reading that. I have a couple more to post and then I am gonna write some more up. Now all I need to do is draw a photo of Chasidah and of her journal…maybe make an icon with that. Not sure how good I can draw her tho!
Love and blessings to all the B.s!
Beautiful photographs!
Gorgeous! The one through the door looks sort of like a water color painting. :)
I love the full shot, with the combined photos. The Lord is truly amazing!
Have a wonderful day!
Marie :)
Stunning! I love the colours of the sunset that night. It was beautiful…but the stinking trees were in my way…the benefit of fields.
Have a Great Day!
Your Cousin
That is so pretty! I like the full one best. Do you like the sunrise, or the sunset better?
Absolutely awesome! God’s artwork is the best!
Oh wow! That is AMAZING!!!
Emily, Lovely shot. I watched the sunset change all the way home from town and when I pulled in Maggie came out to offer assistance with the groceries. I said, NO!!!go take a picture of the sunset!!!! So off she went.
Seems like cold weather makes the prettiest sunsets and sunrises. The stars in wintertime are magnificent. Talk with you soon.
You have put a lot of work into this site. It looks very nice. Your handcrafts look good too.
And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Col 3:23