7 August 2009

Momma, Sarah Mae, Myself, & Breezy (Photo by Jesse)

Last weekend we had Sarah Mae (from Like a Warm Cup of Coffee) and her family over from Wednesday through Sunday morning. It was a wonderful weekend of rich fellowship and getting to know one another in person. We originally met Sarah online through our blogs over a year ago, and we were blessed to actually meet her in person – and get to spend a whole weekend with her family!

Ella holding Daddy’s hand . . . how sweet! (Photo by Breezy)

After they arrived Wednesday evening, we talked and got to know each other a little better. It is interesting how strange it is to finally see someone “move” who one has only seen in pictures. It was also a relief (not that we had any doubts) to find that we all got along splendidly! What kindred spirits they are!

Journeying through the Creation Museum.

Thursday we ate, talked, watched Return of the Daughters, ate, and talked the rest of the day away. On Friday we all drove down to the Creation Museum and spent the day there. It is always so good to go through there (no matter how many times!), and we were able to help watch over the children so that Jesse and Sarah Mae could soak it all in.

Sweet little Caroline in Maggie‘s arms. (Photo by Breezy)

One of the special parts about their visit was having children in the house – it was wonderful to get to practice our “mothering skills”! Children are such precious blessings from the Lord, and it is amazing to see them grow and learn – just like we do in our daily walks with God!

Sarah Mae and Myself (Photo by Momma)

We spent Saturday much like Thursday, but in addition to that we worked on Sarah’s new blog design . Sunday morning was their departure time. It was sad to see them go, but if they did not go we would not be able to visit them, nor could they visit us again.

We loved listening to and learning from Sarah Mae, in her gracious and joyful manner! What a blessing this dear family has been to ours! They are forever friends . . . always there, always in our hearts.

To read more about our visit, you can read Sarah’s Post ,
Momma’s Post , and Breezy’s Post (coming soon).

  1. 13 Responses to “Always in our hearts!”

  2. Sarah Mae on Aug 7, 2009 said:

    Oh my GOODNESS! That picture of Caroline is BEAUTIFUL!!!!

    Thank you for your kind words and good recap of our time spent together! :)

    Seriously – we talked and talked and talked and talked some more!

  3. Sherry on Aug 7, 2009 said:

    Oh sweet visit. I am glad you got to meet.
    Manny Blessings,

  4. Laura on Aug 7, 2009 said:

    Aw! So fun!!

  5. Lily on Aug 8, 2009 said:

    Hello Emily Rose~

    Your blog is beautiful! I love the way you design…amazingly professional, and I was wondering if you could share any tips about how to learn HTML or if there are any books that taught you what you know…I am really hoping to change my jewelry blog so it looks more professional and would love to learn how to do what you do. But I totally and completely understand if you cannot share that information. I just thought I would ask!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. Miss Jen on Aug 8, 2009 said:

    Emily Rose,
    That is SO wonderful….
    awww, the rich joy of sweet fellowship
    there is nothing like it!! :)
    That is so nice that you watched “The
    Return of the Daughters”… it’s one
    of my favorite documentaries.:>) It is
    such a blessing to know other young ladies
    like you and your sister who are seeking
    to serve their families and preparing to
    be industrious homemakers!!

    Bless you dear sister in the Lord!
    With Much Love in Christ~ Miss Jen

  7. ClayJarGirl - LizPitt on Aug 8, 2009 said:

    sounds like you learnt alot from each other… i have soooo much respect for you and Breezy for being trained as homemakers. i know that you are an inspiration for me and for many other women, hopefully one day i will be able to raise my kids to be like you :) (but i need to get the chance to be a homemaker first – at the moment i need to work)

  8. Miss Eyebright on Aug 8, 2009 said:

    It looks like you guys had a lovely time! How neat to be able to actually “meet” a blogging friend. We got to do that twice on our trip over here, and it was fun both times!

    Have a very bright, very cheerful day!
    Miss Eyebright

  9. Breezy on Aug 8, 2009 said:

    They were a joy to host, and we had a great time exchanging stories. Can’t wait to be with them again :)

    -Your sissy

  10. Hannah on Aug 9, 2009 said:

    Looks like you had a wonderful time!! It’s so fun to meet people face-to-face after being blog frinds :-D

    By the way, I love your new avtar. It’s a really good picture of you.


  11. Elizabeth on Aug 10, 2009 said:

    Sounds like you had a simply wonderful time! I love all of the photos! The one of Caroline is so sweet! And you got to go to the Creation Museum…what a blessing!

    The photos of all of you in the corn fields are amazing! And Sarah Mae’s new design is delightful!

    Many memories, I am sure! Joyfully in Jesus,

  12. Cousin Margaret on Aug 10, 2009 said:

    Those are lovely pictures…and I am delighted to say that I got to hold sweet Caroline in my arms for one picture:)

    Such blessed fellowship!

  13. misty on Aug 10, 2009 said:

    I just love your blog so much! I haven’t been able to get to my reader for awhile… and yet I made time to attack it today and when I finally came to your blog, it was like a breath of fresh air. I love it here! :)

  14. Heather on Sep 1, 2009 said:

    You look like, you are all so full of the joy of Christ.

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