8 October 2009
There is nothing that says Autumn quite like the first step into the little store at the apple orchard. The smell is enchanting and brings back many memories of cider, pumpkins, and pounds upon pounds of apples.
Unlike some, the apples at our local orchard are already picked. It does sound most pleasant to pick ones own apples, though! As the apples are already picked, each type of apple is labeled by section and contained by bushel baskets.
Not only are there apples, there are also pumpkins and a variety of gourds. Behind the store are many, many pumpkins. There was a large pile of smaller ones, and past those there were rows of larger pumpkins. Although we did not purchase any, I went out back to capture a few shots of them (as well as the brimming apple tree at the top of the post).
During our latest trip to the orchard we purchased 60 lbs of apples, the majority of which have been turned into canned applesauce. We plan on going back again soon to get more apples, and in addition to those, plenty of pears to can for pear pies!

I love the picture of the apple tree, Emily Rose!
You are so talented!
With love,
Ooh, I love canned applesauce! My Grandma made a batch once, that she apparently messed up somehow, but us kids think it was the best applesauce ever. However, even if canned applesauce isn’t messed up, I still like it better than store bought.
Your friend,
Miss Eyebright
I love your blog Miss Emily! Your apple pictures brought back lovely memories :) My father is in the Army, and we lived in Germany for 7 years. We were blessed to find a huge wonderful old farm house for rent, and the sheep pasture behind the house was filled with all manner of fruit trees! Harvest time was always fun, we’d gather bushels and bushels of apples, some of them would be used to make apple butter, and the rest we took to a nearby farm where the farmer had a machine that made apple juice! It was so interesting to watch, and the juice tasted amazing! And of course even more amazing was the yummy cider my mama made with the fresh juice :)
Thank you so much for this wonderful blog!
Blessings, Lyn Rachel
Those are beautiful pics, Emily! :D
They look so amazing!! :)
Juicy apples are so wonderful…. *sigh*
Love Always~ Jen
Did you receive my email?
What beautiful photography! :)
I just love going to apple orchards! We picked up a bushel of apples last fall when we were in Indiana and this year we went to an Amish store in Berne and picked up another bushel (we also got 50 pounds of red potatoes there for only $8-Mama figured that out to be only .16 a pound!!). We came home and canned apple sauce, apple juice, apple butter, and potatoes. It was just so much fun!!! :) I’m so thankful I was able to learn how to make and can applesauce and juice at my great-grandmother’s. It’s such fun, old-fashioned and domestic! :)
What kind of apples did you get? Last year we got golden delicious and this year got paula red. My great-grandmother purchases a bushel or more of cortlands each year-those are so good!
I was so excited to hear about you making pear pie. That makes me think of my great-grandmother, as well! :) I had never had a pear pie until last fall when she made me one. It was so good! She has a neighbor with pear trees, so is able to get a whole bunch of pears during harvest time.
Thanks for a great post! I just love fall.
Your friend and sister in the Lord,
Fun! We made a stop at an orchard yesterday…but it was raining so we only went to the shop.
I had my camera…but left it in the car and then was upset because I saw some warty pumpkins that I wanted to shoot :-)
I love apple orchards…visiting them is one of my favorite fall-time activites. :) There’s nothing quite like the smell (and taste!) of fresh apples!
Love your little blog, it’s so charming :)
I’ve never heard of pear pie before, but it sounds yummy! I really enjoy making apple crumble – and of course, eating it!
That sounds like fun! You got some really good pictures! I have been wanting to try and make some applesauce and apple butter for a while now. I may try and make some soon. :)
Hello Emily,
I have been reading your blog for the last few days. I really enjoy it!
Hope you have a wonderful day,