10 November 2009
Are you ready for A Homemade Christmas? Last year I started a meme for others to post about what gifts they were making for Christmas. This year will be a little bit different. There will be four two week periods, and they begin next Tuesday, November 17th. This time you can post about gifts and recipes, decorations, and any thing that has to do with giving to others and making the home special for Christmas. Stay tuned for more information!
My aunt Lou made the quilt above for my aunt Glenna. Lou has been making quilts for quite a while, and she made the beautiful quilt here for my momma. Lately she has been working on several knitting projects (as well as her daughter), and has inspired my sister and I to start knitting again.
In the past I have knitted, but after finding out that I was had been doing it wrong (actually backwards) I retired to crocheting (the good ol’ standby). Now that I have picked knitting back up—and am doing it the correct way—I am thoroughly enjoying it! I have began working on a pair of green fingerless gloves.
If you have any left-over home-directed magazines, you might wish to cut the pictures out and make note cards! I received this dear card and envelope from Monica at The Homespun Heart, which gave me an idea as to what to do with the pages I have collected of inspirations from magazines. You may also like decoupaging something special.
And now that Christmas is only forty days away, you can start preparing to have a homemade Christmas . . . and don’t forget to enter your posts in the meme (starting Nov. 17th)!

*squeals with ecstasy!* I get to do it this year! I’m so happy! I simply, can not, wait!
love this part of blogging! Eager to see what is going to be posted, looking for ideas!
I can’t wait!!
Yes, yes, yes! I am so excited for A Homemade Christmas, Emily Rose! Thank you…I was ever so hoping that you would host it again this year!
What a pretty, vintage quilt! Your knitting project sounds lovely! And what a nice idea to make homemade notecards!
Have a lovely day, delighting in the Lord!
We are planning on doing the Homemade Christmas this year! :) I can’t wait!
I’m doing a handmade Christmas series on my blog right now as well! And, am excited to see what others share here – thanks for sharing the note card. They are so happy and I hope a few others will decide to spread the happiness!
Oh how incredibly exciting! I love homemade ANY thing!! Is you come across any ideas for the use of birch could you please pass it on? We will be moving in January but I would like to take advantage of all the birch we have at our finger tips right now!!
Do you know how the note cards were made? I literally have a stack of magazines taller than me (5’2″) which I am slowly but surely whittling down! What a wonderful way to make use of them before removing them from our household!!!
So looking forward to the posts! We are working furiously right now as we must get packages in the mail prior to the 7th of December if we want them to make it in time for Christmas!!
I didn’t find you until a couple months ago, but I read the archives from last year and am so excited about this year!
I voted for you too!
Dearest Emily Rose,
You have such a wonderfully beautiful blog and web site! I found it a couple of months ago in The Girlhood Home Companion.
I would love to do the Homemade Christmas meme this year!
Thank you so very much,
Rachel Grace
Thanks Emily for hosting this Homemade Christmas and Craftiness. (I know you are using craftiness in a good way and not in a serpenty way) :).
I look forward to sharing our homemade gifts and wotnots with you and your blogging friends. Take Care!
Yayy! I was wondering if you’d be hosting this meme again. I’m planning on doing it this year. :)
I knit backwards, too, when I first learned how to knit. Made for some really, erm, interesting projects early on there. xD
Sqeeee!!! I didn’t participate last year, but I am very excited to be this year! All I need are some supplies and I’m set. I’m so excited!
Dear Miss Emily Rose,
I was wondering if you would allow me to interview you for the next issue of “Pure Little Ladies Magazine”. If you’re interested, please contact me.
Looking forward to hearing from you! May your day be blessed!
-Miss Toria
homemade Christmases are the best!
Thank you for inspiring me again~ dear friend.
Love~ Jen
Your site is wonderful! I discovered it a month or two ago when Monica posted about your paper dolls. It was then I seen the Homemade Christmas icon and was very intrigued. I devoured every post from last year and am so excited your doing it again this year!! I so can not wait!!
The quilt is beautiful!
Monica is an absolute doll & craft genius.
I LOVE your idea of notecards!!! Thank you so much for sharing!
As an individual seeking to fashion your life after Jesus Christ, you might be interested in participating in the event, “14 Days of Thankfulness.” I am hosting this two-week event through my blog, Untraveled Path (http://untraveledpath.blogspot.com). You can read more about it on this page:
I hope you will join me in celebrating Thanksgiving by counting the blessings God has given!
If you personally cannot participate, I would appreciate it if you would spread the word about the event! =)
The quilt your aunt made is beautiful. That’s the same block (“churn dash”) I am using for the baby quilt I’m making… which will be finished whenever I can get a walking foot for my machine.
I hope we can have our day of crafty knitting soon! I have a few knit things I’m working on for Christmas gifts, and some homesewn project ideas… if Baby S. sleeps a lot, or comes late, perhaps I will even get them all done! :-P
You know I’ll be there!!! Thanks for hosting!
I followed this last year, and greatly enjoyed it. This year, some of my gifts are already planned. There’s a jumble of homemade, partially homemade, and not homemade at all in there. I hope to have the time to really participate, but so far December looks pretty busy! Even in the midst of that, though, I’m sure there will be time for cookie baking, decorating, blogging, and crafty-ness!
Looking forward to it!
I loved this idea last year Emily Rose (although I didn’t participate much) and I am really looking forward to Christmas and all the Christmassy things, such as making presents, decorations, recipes and, for us, lots of storms and rain! :)
Feelin’ Christmassy,
I really love this idea. This year, I’m out of the country for Christmas, so I want to get everyone a souvenier type gift. So I’ll just have to keep an eye out for good stuff I can use next year instead. :D
As for knitting backward, are you talking about purling? Because I mostly purl when making blankets and stuff just because it’s easiest, but I can see where that could really mess you up in trying to follow patterns.